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Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sara Silverman is a puke

Can I just say that when I travel in two weeks to San Francisco for the very first time, I'm going to track down Sara Silverman and kick her butt?? Oh yessss I am. Why, you may ask? Because she apparently claims that STEVE PERRY----yes, MY main man whom I've loved since age 10---- said something rather racist to her, complimenting her on all her "N-word jokes." Now, if anybody KNOWS Steve Perry as well as I'd like to think I do, and if anybody actually listened to his music, interviews, and actually paid attention, then you'd already KNOW that he would never say such a thing. "Colors of the Spirit" is one of my favorite songs from Trial By Fire that he wrote, about how the color of ones skin shouldn't matter one bit. So, Sara Silverman, you're a PUKE, and a lying HAG, and any idiot who marries Jimmy Kimmel should just fade into oblivion where she belongs. She's not even funny. She's like the annoying Octomom, who should never have even HAD 15 minutes of fame in the first place, much less be allowed to milk it for so long. GRRRRR.

Anyway, that's just my 2 cents about the whole issue.

So yes, Pete and I are traveling to San Francisco in two weeks, to stay about 4-5 days or so, for his Apple computer "release party," celebrating the new ipad. Should be pretty cool. I can't go to the actual party though, but I can sit in a hotel room the whole time. Yippy. Oh, and don't forget the COMIC BOOK convention that's going on that weekend also....yes indeed, I'll be downing some dramamine to get on a plane so that I can go look at comic books and sit in a hotel....doesn't that sound AMAZING?! hehehehehe Actually I'm kinda looking forward to having a break for a few days. So, whatever we go and do, is fine with me.

Bye for now. Love, Becky ps. Go to Sara Silverman's web site and write some hate messages.

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