Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Only 364 days until CAMP!!! (Sigh)

Well, Pete and I are back from our fun adventure at camp. I needed a nice relaxing time away from all this wedding hysteria, so it was nice to just sit and READ a BOOK for a change. I received this book at Christmas, but until now, I hadn't been able to just sit down and begin reading it. This is the book...entitled: STEVE PERRY: A SINGER'S JOURNEY.

It's kinda redundant actually, because a lot of the things I have read so far, I pretty much knew about already, or at least PARTS of things, but I guess it's nice to have the gaps filled in. The writer is from Romania or some such place, (brain is fuzzy, I'm tired, I'll check it later), so her grammar is not the best, and apparently she didn't have a very good editor either, there are a LOT of typo's and other errors. But, other than that, if I just set aside my persnickety English-major persona, it's very cool. And, hey, what the heck, if I ever get the chance to meet him again, I'll have something to converse with him about!

Anyway, so I sat by the pool reading this book, or I sat out on the front porch in one of those comfy Adirondack chairs, with the peaceful birds singing and squirrels around the yard, etc. The house that we stayed in was VERY old, and someone told me it was on the Underground Railroad during slavery times. We stayed at Camp Ramblewood in Darlington Maryland, which was an awesome camp I have to say, and we enjoyed ourselves immensely!

Pete devoted much of his time to giving massages at the camp Spa, and I painted fingernails there for a few hours. Pete was so GOOD at it, he not only stayed for his 2 hour shifts, but he volunteered ALL DAY LONG, which apparently earned him a gift certificate which he was awarded today, by the camp staff! WOO HOO! He was shocked, and very happy about that! (The man gives AWESOME massages, by the way, which I definitely NEED right about now).

Everybody who goes to camp has to volunteer two times, for two-hour shifts, at various places. You can sign up to drive a golf cart "taxi," or work in the mess hall / cafeteria preparing and serving food, or in the spa giving pedicures, manicures, massages, facials, and parrafin wax treatments. (Oh yes, we spoil people rotten at camp, that's what the whole place is all about)! I just wish it was more than once a year. SIGHHH.

I swam in the pool a LOT. LOVE THE POOL!! So many people brought inflatable pool toys, the whole thing was clogged with 'em! But it was fun just the same. I attended a craft-making class, attended a wedding, (which was AWESOME, and now we're having the same man who married THEM come to OUR wedding to marry US, which is gonna be SWEET), a pony show, and several other events and classes while I was there too. Oh, and I attended a tea party!

Well anyway, that's the basic rundown of the weekend, I'll fill in more stuff later on after this minivan gets unpacked. (GAW, I said I would NEVER own or drive a friggin' minivan, and now somehow, here I am doing that very appalling thing)!! BLEAH.

Now it's kickin' time in high gear to get this wedding stuff FINISHED once and for all!!

Bye for now. Love, Becky

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