Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Thursday, May 27, 2010



Okay, okay, I will TRY not to spazz like a bridezilla moron about all this stuff. But holy CRAP that's coming up quick!! I have so much organizing to do, and signs to make, and orange fabric to cover pillars with, and flower bunches to make to hang around the pavilion....egad...there's just not enough time in the day!!

Well, I have re-done the centerpieces that I had previously made, because the more I kept thinking about it, the more I decided that glass vases full of rice may NOT be the best thing to have around a bunch of wild kids. I personally do NOT feel like cleaning that mess up if they fall and get broken. So, I had a ton of these real coconut cups that I ordered from Oriental Trading Company, (which I had wanted everyone to DRINK out of), but the warning inside the box said "Not for drinking. Decoration only." Now WHY would they put a STRAW HOLE in the damned thing if nobody is supposed to use them to DRINK out of?! I have no idea. I called the company to complain about it, because that warning was NOT in their description of the item, and I'm sending a whole bunch back to get credit. But, before I did that, I made some centerpieces for the rehearsal dinner, and for the wedding. Here's one of them...

Mr. Howell is saying, "Gadzooks! Surely you jest! Steve Perry actually LEFT the BAND?!" And Lovey says, "It can't be! He is the MAIN MAN after all..." hehehehehe And OMG, the other day I did a search on Google to find some romantic song lyrics and poems to add to our guestbook, and as I searched for "Faithfully," I found a headline: "Steve Perry is DEAD." I nearly fell off my chair!! But apparently that was just some stupid rumor or something, and I'm glad for that. He CAN'T die yet, I have to meet him again at least ONCE more before that happens!! Twice was not enough!! I am a GREEDY Bridezilla after all!!

So, d'yawanna see my guest book table? Okay, here's the first thing the wedding guests will see....it kinda sets the tone for the whole party really. In between the candles and the round "Love One Another" wreath, there will be two oversized champagne glasses filled with candy, one has a white veil around it, and the other has a black bowtie around it. But, this is it...

Now, that's not our REAL guestbook sitting there, but it's currently being printed. Pete and I worked on that thing for nearly two weeks, and it turned out AWESOME!! I really love it!!
I don't know if you can see it very well in this photo, but the feather pen beside the book has a cute bride and groom on it, which I was happily surprised, actually MATCHES the cake topper I just made last week....(yes, I re-made it from the previous one that I no longer liked). Here it is...
I bought a generic cake topper that was inexpensive, with the see-thru hearts on the back and white flowers all over it. I ripped the white flowers off, stripped the whole thing bare, then painted the see-thru hearts, added some pearls around the top of them, added some flat marbles of the orange color along with more pearls, and the tiny white flowers. I also bought the bride and groom, which was a separate cake topper, and added it to this one. I think it turned out pretty well, and it was very easy to do. I like it because it's rather unique!! Kinda classes up the joint, ya know? There is no way I'd put a Gilligan and Skipper doll on my cake.

Anyway, so I've been working, trying to get as much done before next week's Camp Excursion as I possibly can. Campity camp camp!! It will be nice to have a few days to get away and relax. If this warm weather holds out, hopefully the pool will be nice enough to swim in too! YAY!!

Last week, my mom and Florence and I attended an open house at the pavilion where the wedding and reception will be held, here's a picture of the pool that is there...looks heavenly!!

While we were there, we met a caterer that had the BEST tasting food I've ever tasted!! So, he's now going to be making the wedding cake, and some Splenda cupcakes, and some banana cream tarts and some coconut cream tarts, for the dessert table! YAY!! Then we just have to add chocolate covered strawberries, and we're all set. Or, maybe a fruit pizza? Not sure yet, but it'll be some kind of fruity dessert, just for variety.

The cakes are going to be AWESOME though. One will be strawberry, one is peach and one is pineapple, all with whipped cream frosting. He uses a butter cake, soaks it in raspberry juice, and then adds some lemon zest and a few other things to it, and WOW is that good!! He gave us a sample of it at the open house, and I nearly screamed from ecstasy. I'm tellin' ya, it was out of this world. He also makes these HUGE apples on a stick covered with chocolate and caramel and all kinds of good stuff....but those were $19 apiece, so we're skipping that idea.

Now I'm trying to coordinate having the brides maids and the groom buddies get their hair and make-up done before the wedding, if they want to. So far my emails aren't being answered by the groom buddies though. I may have to call them and put a bug in their ear about it. Time's a-wastin'!!

I still have to go through FAT BUTT BOOT CAMP with my mom next month....Pete signed us up to go for 3 weeks of intense workouts, 3 times a week, just to see if we can lose more weight. I've been doing pretty good so far, though, I've lost almost 10 pounds on my own. But, I would like to lose another 50 before July!! (argh). Anyway, so that's coming up soon. Once I see how things turn out with THAT, I can then go get my dress altered a bit to fit me better. So, it's all starting to come together.

Well, so that's the scoop for now. Until next time....

Love, Becky

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