Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wedding Woes

Sigh. I guess throughout the history of wedding planning, everybody has probably encountered at least ONE vendor that is a total jerk. Well, we've been dealing with an idiot who is verging on the edge of harassment, so we've forwarded all his voice mails and the description of the whole situation to our lawyer, as well as to the Better Business Bureau. We keep telling him to cancel our contract, he keeps calling back to say they won't cancel it, they will just continue to honor our contract no matter what, and the people we hired will show up at the wedding site as scheduled, etc.!! Can you believe the size of the CAHONES on that guy?! Seething with rage, I wrote back on email and said, "if these people show up to ruin my wedding day, they will not only be escorted out by the police, but charges WILL be pressed, they WILL be arrested, and YOU will be SUED." He refuses to refund our deposit as well. I'm about ready to open a major can of whoop-ass.

Anyway, so aside from all THAT, we are just plugging along getting more stuff done around here. My mom spent all morning and most of the afternoon helping to stain the railing of the deck, (the floor still needs to be done but I'll have to work on that tomorrow if the rain holds off), and I've been rearranging the living room and hanging pictures, clearing clutter, etc., plus Florence---now that she's feeling like her old self again---is helping by painting paper towel rolls and toilet paper rolls that I cut in half, brown, so that I can make fake "bamboo" looking picture frames with twine X's in each corner, for the Gilligan photos I printed from the internet. (They are lightweight and look pretty cool, believe it or not). Here is a photo....

So that is the idea, to make the entire pavilion look like we are inside a "hut." I have this vinyl background "bamboo" looking stuff that will go on the walls, and these "frames" will be all around the place, with Gilligan characters in them. Of course, there will be lots of hula skirts! It's going to look really cool when it's all said and done. I just hope it will work out right with the timing and logistics!!

Oops, I'll have to add more later....gotta scoot........Love, Becky

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