Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Carlos Mencia!!

I hope everyone out there had a very nice Father's Day weekend. I know Pete did! I was driving down the highway, actually stuck in a traffic jam with my mom alongside me, when the radio announced they would give away a $50 gift certificate to a local restaurant called "Dingbats," and as a bonus, if the winner could pick up the prize before 5:30 p.m., they would throw in 2 free tickets to go see Carlos Mencia! I LOVE CARLOS MENCIA!!! So, I grabbed my iPhone and started dialing like a madwoman. The DJ said to be caller #41, and I figured I wouldn't win, but to my surprise and amazement, I actually DID win!! YAYYYYY!!!

So, Pete took me to a very nice Vietnamese restaurant for dinner, (we'll save the gift certificate to Dingbats for another time), and then we took off to the Byham Theater to see Carlos!! He was AWESOME!! I laughed myself sick!! And after the show, we were able to get our photo taken with him too!! How cool is that?!

So, it was a fun night, and I actually made CARLOS laugh...I said, "I wore this shirt just for you, because I wanted to make YOU laugh for a change..." and he smiled real big and hung his head laughing when he read the shirt....it's the shirt I got while at camp....and it's a hoot!! Here is a close-up of what it says....(yessss, I wore it out in public, what do I care)?! It definitely calls for a double-take when you first read it...I mean, think about it....it'll take a few seconds to sink in.
Hehehehehe!! Ain't I a stinker?! Well, it made Carlos Mencia laugh, so what the hell. Worth every penny we paid for it!! Friends of mine in Michigan who are on Facebook commented "DOOOOD!! How do you keep MEETING these people?! You are awesome!" I wrote back and said, "DOOOOD! They are really just cardboard cutouts!" and then I wrote another reply, "The comedians often come out to meet and greet people after the show, and allow pictures to be taken." But Carlos had a rule, "no photos with your own cameras," and he hired his own photographer, and made us PAY to have the photo taken. But, what the heck, it was worth it!

Anyway, we had a fun time and laughed a lot!!

So, here we are, only ONE MONTH away from the wedding. GREAT GOOGA MOOGA!! I've got so many things to DO, it's not even funny. This house is a royal mess, the deck still isn't fully finished, I am still not organized, the binders for everyone still aren't done....holy crap... not to mention the programs, those aren't done yet either...I'm going to hyperventilate...

My best friend Laurie had a back injury recently and is off work, waiting for short-term disability to start, but until then she's broke and I'm worried she won't be able to afford coming down here---she's my MATRON OF HONOR folks---so I am in a bit of a panic about that, not to mention her 2 daughters who are bridesmaids, AND her son who is an usher...it's like HALF my bridal party...so this is something I'm kinda freaked out about right now. She swears that she will be here no matter what, but if she can't WALK because of a bad back, WTF am I gonna do?! I feel awful for her, she has a tough job lifting fat people all day at her hospital, so it's no wonder her back gave out. So have her knees. Being a nurse really sucks. So it's not her fault that she got hurt, but I told her if we need to get a wheelchair, I will see if the hotel will let us borrow one. As long as she's wheeled down that aisle, and taking pain pills to have a good day, that will be all that matters. I just want her to be there.

The bridesmaid dresses aren't quite finished yet either, and THAT has me a bit panicked...I don't even know if the girls all have their beige shoes yet...beige is one of my wedding colors, along with a rust-colored orange and a bright orange. So, the girls on my side should be wearing beige shoes, and the girls on Pete's side should be wearing black shoes. Pete went out and rented his tuxedo this weekend, but he got an ALL WHITE one, which I hadn't expected, with shiny pinstripes. I hope it looks nice, because that's NOT really what I had in mind.

Oh well, he's only going to wear it a few hours, and the same goes for me in my dress. I took mine in to have it altered a bit, they are shrinking it down FOUR INCHES....I mean it was huge, hanging off me, but the seamstress in Michigan had to make the thing without me being there, so she did an excellent job, it was just wayyyyyy too big. I have lost some weight since she had taken my measurements, so she did the best she could with what she had to work with, and without me there to have fittings. But, now it will fit me like a glove, and look really nice. I get to pick it up on July 8th.

I did go to the local hair salon, Fazio's, and they played with my hair to give me some idea of what I can do on the big day. Here's a photo of how it turned out...

I may have already added this photo last time on the blog, I don't remember, but this is the general idea of what it will look like. Considering that my hair is shorter, (not quite down to my shoulders yet), I think it will turn out nicely.

Well, so that's the scoop. I have a buttload of stuff still on the "to-do" list, so I'd better get crackalackin'. Time's a-wastin'!! AAUUUGGHHHH!!!

Love, Becky

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