Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

It's all a blur....

Rehearsal cookout yesterday was chaos. HOLY CRAP why didn't anybody WARN me?! The whole day just flew right by me, in a total blur, and I barely even got to eat anything. At one point, with only having one wine cooler, and a bowl of cereal early in the morning, I nearly passed out from the heat, and lack of anything in my stomach. It is so HOT outside, muggy and humid, but hey at least the weather isn't RAIN. I was so nauseous I had to go upstairs to sit in my air conditioned bedroom awhile, in the middle of everything, while others were enjoying themselves.

At one point, I even tried to back out of our stupid narrow uphill driveway in my mother in law's Mercedes, (which I never do...I typically turn around first), and like an IDIOT I bumped the car into the side wall...while everybody watched me do it. Talk about EMBARRASSING. I had 50 people calling my name all at one time, pulling me in 50 different directions all day long, asking me questions, calling me on the phone, and in the middle of my head spinning around, I thought to myself, "This wedding stuff is for the BIRDS." I mean, on any given REGULAR day of my life, nobody gives me the time of DAY!! I mean, typically I hear CRICKETS all around me, ya know?! But oh noooo, use the word "bride" and suddenly the whole world wants a piece of ya. It's unbelievable.

Other than that, the day was just peachy. I think we "overachieved," (as my sister Tammy put it so diplomatically, rather than saying the REAL description: OVERKILL), but in the end, everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves. The Kennywood amusement park outing was a huge success, even though Pete and I could barely drag our exhausted carcasses to a table to sit and eat some french fries and ice cream (the perfect Type 2 Diabetic diet), while everybody else roamed about riding rides. I crashed at midnight, but it's currently 4:30 a.m. and I am now wide awake and worried about everything going well today.

This day will fly by too, I am sure, and after planning for over a YEAR for this thing, that just seems so totally unfair. But hey, like Pete says, "this is the most recorded event of my entire life..." we've got 2 photographers, a videographer, we bought 4 digital cameras for people to borrow, use and return, a video camera to set up for video greetings, and a photo booth coming! So, between all of those things, hopefully our DVD of the whole thing will turn out awesome. I hope to watch this DVD of ours once each year on our anniversary.

Anyway, it is still WEIRD to say words like, "husband," and "anniversary" and "honeymoon." I never thought in my entire LIFE I would ever be saying words like that, to describe ME. Ya know? I had NO INTENTION WHATSOEVER of ever getting married. I figured I would be like Mary Tyler Moore (a childhood heroine of mine), and get a lame job in a big city somewhere, toss my hat up in the air and give lame parties on weekends, living in a tiny house with my dog. That was my plan at least. This whole marriage thing seemed like a foreign concept.

So here I go, into the wild blue yonder.

Today I marry my friend.

Let's hope these 5 hour energy drinks that I am now developing an addiction to actually can get me through this...(they taste like CRAP but they work)! I'm just so damned exhausted...my whole BODY is exhausted. But here it is, the day of my wedding, at 4:41 a.m., and I'm ready to rock and roll. I told Pete it's rather funny that we'll be flying clear across the damned country to SLEEP FOR A WEEK, but okay, if that's what a honeymoon is all about, let's get the hell GONE so I can go sit by a pool at the hotel and snooze!!

Bye for now.

Just call me "Becky, the soon-to-be WIFE of Pete."

Love, your favorite spazzy Bridezilla,

Becksterama, a sexy red hot mama

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