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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

You thought I was kidding??

You REALLY thought I was exaggerating about my dress, didn't you?

Well folks, THIS is the MINOTAUR DRESS I mentioned in my previous blog entry. HIDEOUS! If you look real closely at the mom's on either side of me, you'll see that neither of them are smiling. I am not smiling either. I HATED IT. I have been DEPRIVED of my mother-daughter moment of "ooh's" and "aah's," and dammit that makes me MAD!!!

Whatever these idiots did to alter the dress, it turned out BAD. In all my days on this planet, I have NEVER seen a wedding dress that was HIDEOUS like this. Pete joked and said I should put this photo on Facebook and write "Does my fat ass make my ass look fat?" LOLOLOLOL I told him, "Too soon." And I really didn't laugh.

I mean seriously, it looks like I'm HALF of a horse costume, and the OTHER guy is hiding behind me with his head up my butt. What a disgusting mess of a dress. I felt like crying my eyeballs out. It makes me look HUGE, when I've been busting my BUTT to lose weight, and I'm down 15 pounds so far! So this is NOT at ALL what I really look like, it doesn't enhance me AT ALL, and this moment truly SUCKED. Bustles are obviously NOT for me.

Anyway, so here's the NEW dress....much more sophisticated and simple, and NO ALTERATIONS NEEDED!!!

At first I thought, "Hmm, looks like something the Mummy would wear to a formal affair." But beggars can't be choosers only a few days before the wedding, so this is what I will be wearing on the big day. I don't get my corset closure on the back like I really wanted, and I don't get any frilly fru-fru bling anywhere either. I'm not even sure if I'll wear the jacket, but I do have a pretty shawl that I can wear around the back of it and drape over my arms in front. Good enough I guess. It's NOT my "dream dress," but so be it, there's nothing I can do about it.

I have also made a new hair piece to wear with it....I used a headband that had a single white flower on it, (which was all I planned to wear), but decided it was just too plain. When you have a plain dress, you should "bling" it up a bit. So I glued some smaller white flowers with pearls draped all around it to the headband part, and then added a few orange flowers. I figure if I wear it wrapped around the back of my head, it will keep my hair up, (I have cursed thin hair that doesn't stay in barrettes).

It's kinda unique, and I really think it turned out pretty. I took off a few of the orange flowers though, just put one instead of 3 in each spot. No, I don't plan to wear a veil, I'm 42 years old for cripes' sake, I don't need a friggin' veil. (It's bad enough I'm wearing WHITE). Besides, it's too HOT outside to wear some kind of hot fabric draped down my neck. I'm just too practical for that. And this way, when my back is turned towards the guests, they will say, "Wow...what a weird thing to wear on your head." LOL But hey, I don't care, it's comfortable and stays put.

Anyway, I don't have photos of me IN the dress yet, obviously, but it looks very nice on. I figure with the "bling" necklace and earrings that I've got, and the "bling" broach that I'll put on the dress, it will look just fine.

I thought I'd be looking much nicer if I were tan, especially on my legs, so I bought a can of that spray-on tan stuff. Turned both legs bright orange. Had to scrub them off, and I'll skip that idea. So, BLINDING LILY WHITE they will stay. It may be too hot to wear nylons too. I don't know.

I'm just glad that the weather forecast says it may be a bit cloudy on Saturday but SUNNY AND WARM on Sunday, 84 degrees!! YAY!! Let's hope they are right for once!!

Anyway, so that's the latest news. I've got a ton of stuff yet to do, so I'd better scoot.

Love, Becky ps. Pete hasn't seen me in the dress so it's really not bad luck folks, chill out!!

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