Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Have you ever....

Have you ever had days where, when you wake up, you're instantly annoyed at every little thing? That's how I woke up today. Just every little thing annoys me today for some reason. The one thing that really gets me peeved, is when I have to be put "on hold" and wait around for somebody ELSE to decide what I can and cannot do with my life.

I've been planning to have a large yard sale for MONTHS. My first attempt bombed, though, so I decided just to donate everything to Goodwill and get it gone. The main objective is to have our garage empty so we can actually park our cars in it for the winter. (Novel idea, huh)?

So one of our friends says she'll be having a yard sale, which was supposed to happen last weekend, but she decided at the last minute to postpone it for another week---which brings us to THIS weekend--so I've been busting my butt to get my closet all sorted, piles of stuff ready to pack into the minivan, etc., and NOW she decides she wants to postpone it AGAIN until October 10th.

This does NOT make me happy. I told Pete, "I'm donating my stuff to Goodwill." So, that's what I'm going to do. I am so OVER the whole yard sale thing, it's not even funny, and I really don't feel like waiting around another week or more to do it. So, screw it. She can have her yard sale on her own and I'll do my own thing, and accomplish our garage being empty.

It feels to me a lot that everybody ELSE in Pete's life comes before ME, and frankly that's starting to really grate on my last nerve. Today, for instance, he AGREED with our yard sale friend to wait and have it on the 10th, without even asking me about it. She was more important, I guess. Then, he goes to lunch with another female friend for her birthday, and then has to work late to make up for the longer lunch he took with her. That just means less time to spend with ME tonight. Thanks. Thanks so much.

When I dated Peter, I used to bitch and moan and whine all the time about how I was #10 or more on his list of priorities, and it bugged the shit outta me. I told him that "someday if I ever get married, I will finally FINALLY be somebody's #1." Well, here I am, married now, and still feeling like #10. SIGH. I really thought married life would be different somehow.

So here I sit, alone, griping about a crappy day on the blog. BLEAH.

In other news, Pete is still trying to talk me into going to the DC Rally To Restore Sanity on October 30th, and now Stephen Colbert is encouraging everybody to dress up in their costumes for Halloween before going to the rally. So, today I found a Statue of Liberty costume, and Pete wants to go as "Bill...." Remember him from those School House Rock commercials??

That's who Pete wants to dress up as, with a sarcastic sign of how something REALLY gets done in Washington DC. So today I found white poster board, white foamy sheets, and a white painters cap that I will write "I'm just a Bill" on the front for him to wear. I don't know how the HELL I'm going to make this thing, but at least I can try. Personally, I think it would be better to make him the Constitution, with tire tracks going across it.

I think I'll be carrying a sign about how you should never underestimate how one small group of people can get something big done in the world. I don't know the exact wording, but I have a postcard with the phrase on it, so I will just copy that over onto a sign.

I took my dog, Sassy, to the vet yesterday because I was petting her belly a few days ago and noticed a hard lump right in the center of her belly area, along with a soft "bubble" lump a little further up on her chest area. I thought maybe it was something to be concerned about, having never felt any lumps on her before. But, apparently, the hard lump in the center of her belly was actually her BELLY BUTTON!! HA!! I didn't realize that dogs HAD belly buttons! But yes, it makes sense, they do have umbilical cords when they are born. DUH!! Then, the vet told me as a dog grows older, they sometimes get little round "bubbles" of fatty tissue that don't hurt a thing...she weighs 44 pounds. That's not too bad, but she should be around 40 or so. I'm just glad she's okay. I have to get her rabies and Bordatella shots soon though.

Well, I might as well go shopping. I'm bored to death. I'm glad the day is almost over.

Bye for now. Love, Becky ps. Here is a photo of Sassy that I took the other day....
What a happy dawg, chewin' that stick to BITS!! She loves to play with the stick!! I love her!!

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