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Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Good news for the weekend...

Hello all....well, my momma finally had her court room hearing regarding whether or not she can continue receiving disability benefits. She's been getting them for several years, but the state of Michigan is in a major economic slump, so the bureaucrats with cryabeetus are scrutinizing every little thing they possibly can to shave off more money to keep for their own paychecks. They claimed that my mom "could work, part-time," but her DOCTORS say, "She is unable to stand on her feet for more than an hour." So, the judge took a look at the doctor's report, and said she can keep receiving disability benefits AND her new Social Security benefits, now that she's turned 62.

So, she's very happy that she has now more than doubled her monthly income, and is very relieved. She can now make plans to move back here with us. She'll have to find out if her disability benefits will transfer here or not, first, but hopefully that's not going to be an issue. If it is, she may have to go through a similar situation here, OR, we just won't change her address until we figure out what to do, if there are other alternatives.

Anyway, so that was very good news for her, and now we can start planning her return to PA!! I know my 17 year old nephew Josh is looking forward to taking over the basement as his bedroom, after sharing a room with his soon-to-be 7 year old brother Mason for several years. I remember what a pain it was to share a room with my younger sisters too, so I feel for him!!

Then yesterday, Pete called me from work and said, "Hey, do you remember awhile back, maybe last year, when I received a raise right out of the blue from my boss?" I said, "Uh, yeah I think so..." and he said, "Well, it happened again. I just got a 3% raise and an excellent annual review!" So, that is great news, and I'm very proud of him!! He's worked hard, and very long hours for this company, and Apple treats their employees VERY well. He also got more stock! So hey, that'll come in handy too, when we finally find our next home.

We'll be house hunting tomorrow afternoon, to see as many houses as we can with Pete's former realtor that he's used before. It should be an interesting day. I just dread all the packing and unpacking and lugging boxes...I really want to hire a moving service. But, we'll see.

And for ME, well, the good news is, I've started writing on a new blog that I decided to create just for something to do during the day. It's "Conversations with Steve Perry," and I figured, since I can't just call him up and chit-chat with him, why not just write out stuff that I WOULD talk to him about, if I could? No harm in that, is there? I mean, who doesn't want to talk to their favorite famous person, one-on-one, at least once? So, that's what I am doing. Just telling him all sorts of stuff, that really has no significance whatsoever. But, it'll keep me busy and outta jail!! (I am bored now that the wedding is over).

I'm also keeping busy with making costumes for Pete and I to wear to the Washington DC "Rally To Restore Sanity," on October 30th. Which reminds me, I need to cancel our hotel reservations and change them to Breezewood. We'll drive 2 hours to Breezewood on Friday night, stay in a hotel there, and then get up early Saturday to drive in and park (hopefully) at the Pentagon City Mall, and take the metro train over to the National Mall. Then we'll have to walk all the way down to the Lincoln. (why they never built a metro station over THERE, I'll never know). Right now I have a store bought Statue of Liberty costume that I thought I might wear, BUT, Pete wants to go as "Bill," from the Schoolhouse Rock thing, so I have to figure out how the heck to make something like that for him...and then I thought, "Why don't I go as the Constitution, and have some kind of sarcastic remark like, "Don't MAKE me paper cut you!" Or, "Don't tread on me ANYMORE dammit." Something like that. It's still a work in progress!!

And since our crappy yard sale really did not thrill me in the least, I have decided just to donate everything to Goodwill and get it gone, so we can reclaim our garage to actually park our CARS in it this winter. In fact, we're working on taking stuff to our new storage unit today, and we'll be taking stuff to Goodwill later also. So, that'll keep me busy all next week too. I've gone through my closet and all my dresser clothing, and gotten rid of 85% of it...so, now it's time to start over with some NEW stuff, little by little, because I REFUSE to become a frumpy housewife who wears nothing but t-shirts and jeans all the time.

I still have a ton of skirts and nice blouses that I used to wear to work every day, and heels, and all that stuff....so I'm keeping some of those items, and I even made up new outfits that I hadn't thought of before, so I feel like I can actually dress NICELY for a change now that the weather is getting colder, and actually feel like a human being again. I'm wearing make-up now too, and doing my hair. I haven't done those things in over a year, all because of preparations for the wedding. Now it's time to get my sexy butt back in the game, as the "trophy wife." LOL

Since next summer is Pete's 35th high school class reunion, and MY 25th, we have decided to lose a lot of weight between now and then so we can walk in and look awesome together!! So that's our motivation. I've rid our kitchen and pantry of all the not-so-healthy stuff that we shouldn't be eating, and donated it to someone on Freecycle who needed more groceries and couldn't afford it, so at least it's not wasting food. It's stuff like "Easy Mac," and Ramen Noodles, and some canned goods, etc., as well as some leftover wedding food---we have got about 5 full unopened bags of frozen shrimp in our freezer, so I donated one.

I might even join Weight Watchers or something, I don't know. But what I DO know is that I really need to get back to my normal weight, and chuck this "chubby self" so that my inner Diva Goddess can once again come out and play!! Wish me luck. I'm not very good at dieting.

Well, that's the news for now.

Love, Becky

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