Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Friday, September 3, 2010

More wedding photos...

Just wanted to add more wedding photos before the holiday weekend is upon us...
I have a huge yard sale to prepare for, which is happening next weekend,
so I probably won't write on this thing until next week sometime.

Here is my family...(my other sister Cathy and her husband Steve live in Nottingham, England and couldn't make it because they just bought a house and were moving in that weekend)!
From left to right: My brother-in-law Steve, my sister Tammy, her youngest son Mason, Me, Tammy's oldest son Joshua, and my mom.

Here ya go...the bride and groom, right after the ceremony...I think we looked pretty snazzy!

Here is Pete's immediate family...from left to right.....Stephanie, his daughter-in-law, holding her oldest son, Christopher...her husband (Pete's oldest son), Daniel and he's holding their youngest son, Cameron, then Me, and Pete, and then Florence (Pete's mom), Janice (Pete's sister), her husband Michael, Pete's daughter Sybil, Pete's youngest son, Nate, and Sybil's husband Justin.
And here's one of my mom and I together. I made the corsage that she's wearing on her wrist. She walked me down the aisle and helped Florence while they lit the unity candles. She and Florence get along like two peas in a pod, luckily, and my mom knows a LOT more about how to take care of an 89 year old than I ever will, so hopefully soon she'll move back in with us.

And here's Pete and his mom, Florence. She is having her 89th birthday this weekend, and to celebrate we are taking her out to a Pirates baseball game, in the fancy club house area! She's so excited--she said the last time she can remember ever going to a baseball game was when she was a teenager with her father! She also asked for a red velvet birthday cake!

And this is our "official" favorite photo of us together.

Well, that's all for now. Have a great, fun and SAFE holiday weekend!!

Love, Becky

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