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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Some wedding photos

Ok ok, here are some more photos of the wedding and reception that I've been meaning to add:

This one is of the pool, with my "Lagoon" prop...on the back of it were beach towels and plastic cinch bags to put wet bathing suits into after swimming.

Here are Pete and I during our first dance...of course, it was to the song "Faithfully" by Journey. (Did you ever have any doubt)?! We conspired during this dance to surprise everybody...

Pete and I were having our first dance and decided to just surprise everybody by running and jumping into the pool! Once we did it, everybody whooped and hollered and jumped in wearing their clothes! The party officially started at that point! YAY!

The only bummer is, the video guy and photographers were so surprised, they didn't make it in time to get it recorded. We had to "re-do" it for them. But, what the heck, it was fun! (I'm just glad that my dress wasn't see-through)!

So, here's the "re-do" shot...Pete and I, and my best friend Laurie's son Noah, all at once!!

This is a photo of my best friend and Matron of Honor, Laurie...we've known each other since we were 15 years old. We shared a locker in high school! Her 3 kids were also in the wedding.

And this is my bridesmaid, Barbara...we've known each other since we were 9 years old...

And this is Annette...we've known each other since junior high school. Her dad was my English teacher! Laurie, Barbara, Annette and I all went to high school together, and were in the symphonic band together. Laurie played the trumpet, Barbara and I played the flute, and Annette played the clarinet.

This is Laurie's oldest daughter, and "my kid," Emily...another bridesmaid...I've known her since the day she was born...when she grabbed my finger, that was IT....MY KID!! She's 18 now.

This is Laurie's son, Noah...he was an usher. I think he loves Journey's music even more than me! I gave him a t-shirt once for Christmas and he squealed like a girl!! hehehe He's 15 now.

And finally, this is Laurie's youngest, Ember....or, as I call her, "Emberlina, Pemberlina, Hoopensteinin Wallendienin Hogan Bogan Logan was her name." hehehehe She is now 13.

Here is a great one of Pete and his "Groom Buddies," from left to right: Annette, Clara, and Lisa. Lisa introduced us, Clara is his best friend from 5th grade, and Annette is someone he once dated but is now just friends with. I thought he would be wearing a black tuxedo, so I had his girls wear black and white dresses...but he surprised me with the white tux instead. I was skeptical at first, but as it turns out, he looked really nice!!

And here's my family....from left to right: Steve - my brother-in-law, my sister Tammy, her youngest son Mason, (me), my oldest nephew Joshua, and my mom.

And here's the whole gang....the entire wedding party! Left to right: Emily, Barbara, Annette, Ember, and Laurie...(me and Pete), Clara, Lisa and Annette.

So there you have it...(yeah, my girls and I took our shoes off...our feet were hurting!) hehehe

Anyway, I'll add more photos another time, but these are the nicest ones of the wedding party.

Love, Becky

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