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Thursday, October 28, 2010

The big party weekend...I mean, RALLY, in DC....

Hey ya'll....Happy Halloween weekend!!

Last night Pete took me to see DANE COOK, he's one of my favorite comedians. We had a fun time, laughing our heads off! There were a few other comedians who opened for him too, Jay somebody and Al....*www.funnyal.com. So, check them out when you get a chance.

At one point, Dane did a funny song, comparing Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'" to "Glycerine" and the theme from Sesame Street----it was HILARIOUS!! Watch this video clip:

I mean, who the heck would ever think to put those 3 songs together like that in such a way?! He's really COOL for doing that, and we had a blast watching him.

Anyway, here's a photo of me with Jay and Al, after the performance, at the "meet and greet." We bought Al's new CD and they were allowing photos, so what the heck! Dane didn't come out to greet anyone though, bummer.

Well, tomorrow morning Pete and I are OFF to Washington DC, to have fun at the Rally to Restore Sanity. I made Pete a sign to carry that says "Vote NO on Incumbancy." I'm also making a sign for myself that has 2 sides to it....the one side will have a photo of Christine O'Donnell standing next to Sarah Palin, and it has a caption "I will call her...MINI ME!" and my message will say, "My Economic Stimulus Plan: Pay $1 to smack either of these women, and say goodbye to the DEFICIT! WE ALL WIN!"

Then the other side will have a photo of Mrs. Beasley, and will say, "Vote for Mrs. Beasley! She's the only one here who is RATIONAL!" And I'm going to wear my Mrs. Beasley t-shirt too. hehehehe

As a matter of fact, I'm making a costume to dress up as Mrs. Beasley for Halloween. Pete and I are going to a party on Saturday night after the rally, so he'll be dressed as a pumpkin and I'm going as my favorite doll. Cute, huh? Here's a creepy photo....I don't know if I'll keep the costume looking like this, but so far this is what it looks like....I made it myself!!

So anyway, the shirt is way too big on me, and makes me look 20 times bigger than I am!! But I may cut it down to some kind of "bolero jacket" or something, and wear my t-shirt under it.

Anyway, so today I'm doing laundry, baking cookies and cupcakes to bring along to Pete's friends in Manassas (we'll be staying overnight with them at their house on Friday), and packing the minivan with all our overnight stuff. Should be a fun weekend!!

Hope all goes well in DC, at the rally. I am going to take Pete to see the Holocaust Museum too, for the first time. I'm a little apprehensive about going there again, but I do miss it a lot.

Well, that's the news for now. Next weekend Pete and his mom are traveling to NJ to visit her 89 year old lifelong friend Gladys, and the weekend after that we are going to see a Pops concert with Marvin Hamlisch again, and then the weekend after THAT (is that Thanksgiving week already?!), November 23-26, we'll be up in Michigan to gather my mom and her stuff to move her back down to PA with us permanently.

So, it'll be a busy month, but we're looking forward to it. We'll be dropping off Xmas gifts that week too, rather than spending money on postage to mail everything.

Well, bye for now. Enjoy Halloween!!

Love, Becky

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