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Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Tony Friggin' BENNETT was there people!!! I MEAN CRAP!! I feel like I won the GOD BLESSED LOTTERY!! There were so many people there, (estimates are 250,000), that Pete and I couldn't see the stage, we couldn't hear anything, or see anything, so we just walked around taking pictures of people's cool signs, and chit-chatting with people, and just having a fun time socializing! It was a BLAST!! I swear, it's the biggest rally I have EVER seen in my whole life! I've been in protest marches during college, I've gone to protest rallies against the KKK, I've gone to other such events in the past, but THIS ONE just blew me away.

I don't think a rally THAT BIG has happened since Martin Luther King Junior stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to give his "I Have A Dream" speech. This was totally unprecedented. Jon Stewart planned for and estimated about 60,000 people showing up...and at the end of his performance, he gave the most poignant speech, I think he very nearly choked up and started to cry....watch his speech here...

Well, I will post more photos of the cool signs we saw while we were there, next time. I'm pooped. It's been a busy and tiring weekend!! But I'm so glad we attended it. Bye for now!!

Love, Becky

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