Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Let's go upstairs!!

So, we left off last time with a tour of what COULD be, and hopefully WILL be, our new house. I showed you the first floor, which is nicely laid out, and so now we venture upstairs. In the dining room area, you will find the stairs leading upward, AND some gorgeous wooden shelves that are built-in. What a GREAT use of empty space!!

Now that we've walked upstairs, you see the bathroom straight ahead, in the center. As you stand there at the top of the stairs, you see that you are in a large "landing" area, that is wide open, (could be used as a craft area, sewing room, or one side of it could become another bathroom or an expanded one), and to the left of the landing is where my mom would be, and to the right are 2 more rooms, where Pete and I would have our master bedroom and his office area.
This is the bathroom. The ceiling is slanted, and makes for an awkward looking shower, but Pete stood in it and said he fit just fine. This bathroom is about the same size as the one we currently have in our home now. So, it's big enough, and we would share it with my mom.

This is part of the landing, to the left of the bathroom. This section COULD be made as an extension of the current bathroom, OR as a separate one that goes with the bedroom on the left (which would be my mom's). Right now, it's serving as a sewing area. I love the skylights!

This is the other side of the landing. It's HUGE! Florence made herself at home here! The photo has a left top area of light, which is the staircase, and this was just used as a sitting area or could be an office area too...craft area...whatever.

And THIS would be my mom's room. It's a very long room, TONS of space, and it has a balcony and 5 closets in it! The roof is slanted here too, but it's livable. My mom could use the balcony to go outside and smoke occasionally, and she could store ALL of her YARN in those closets!!

This is the other side of my mom's room, the view taken from the balcony door. They've put two twin beds here, but one larger bed would fit just fine, with dressers, t.v. stand, desk, etc., and on the opposite wall of the beds are the five closets!!

And here they are....each one is separate, and HUGE, with shelves along all the walls. The center area surrounded by white walls, is the entrance to her room. My mom is a yarn-aholic, so these closets would hide all of her clutter, clothing, crocheting stuff, and anything else she can think of to store! I emailed her all of these photos and she LOVES IT. If we took out that first closet, we could make that area and part of the landing into a small, private bathroom for her too.

Then we go out the door of my mom's room, back through the landing area, past the bathroom on the left, and into the two rooms on the right of the staircase....the first is Pete's office room, which then leads into the MASTER....

Here's Florence, admiring the quilt on the bed. There are closets on the right wall, and a window on the leftmost wall, and where Florence is standing is another doorway that leads into the master bedroom. This area would be Pete's office. (and mine).

And THIS is the master bedroom! It's GIGANTIC! I love the skylights, it's so bright and sunny, and there are closets on the opposing walls on either side of the doorway. I LOVE IT!!

So, there you have it folks, the upstairs of our (hopefully) new house. I wish the current owners would hurry up and say YES to our offer...I'm just a nervous wreck worried about it...if they say no, I'm going to be crushed. Devastated. Totally deflated of ever wanting to look at another one.

(Though Pete and I did attend several open houses this past weekend...and discovered that the real estate agents we spoke with ALL told us that "they NEVER schedule open houses on GAME DAYS..." (which the current home owners of the house we WANT, actually DID). hehehehehe....either their real estate agent isn't so bright about such things, or the home owners didn't realize that NOBODY would come see the place if there's a game going on...either way, it's in our favor!! We also drove past the house again to see if there was another open house or anything going on, but there were no cars in the driveway at all. Jeff (our guy) told us that he hasn't shown it at all since we were there.

Next time I will add photos of the basement, back porch, yard, and barn!!

Bye for now.

Love, Becky

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