Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Plan B....

As much as I hate to admit it, I'm starting to doubt that the house on Sutter Road is going to become ours. The home owners have had over 10 days to discuss our offer and decide, but they haven't given us an answer yet. I don't trust their real estate guy, though, he was like a slimy car salesman. Our guy says he "chirped positively about how things were going," but ya know, if things aren't MOVING FORWARD, then WHY NOT?? What is their trepidation? What can we do to help them feel comfortable with the idea? I wish we could just cut through the crap, eliminate the middle man, and sit down in the same room with them to talk it over face-to-face.

So, Pete decided (as a Plan B and as a negotiating tool to get these people to hurry up and say yes), to go see some other houses. Today we saw several, but most of them either sucked so hard or blew chunks---I just couldn't even believe it. It depressed the hell out of me. I just wanted to cry. One house, however, has potential as a Plan B option.

It has four bedrooms, 3 of which are on the main floor (my mom, Florence & Nathan), and the master suite is upstairs (for Pete and I). There is a main full bathroom on the first floor, and one of the bedrooms has its own bathroom also. We would have to add a half bath upstairs. But, this house is a "flip," meaning someone bought it for cheap because it was run-down and needed updating. Now they've improved every room, so it's ready to be sold for a profit.

So, nobody has lived in it yet, everything is new, the hardwood floors are gorgeous, the kitchen is huge, LOTS of cupboards, an island, and even a desk area for bill paying. There are skylights too, and a door that leads out to the huge deck in the back. Also, there is a laundry room right off the kitchen area, which is GREAT.

The entrance of the house has a closed in front porch, nice tile floor, windows all around, all new, with blinds on them. Then you walk into a large open room that is about the same size as the current living room we have now. The kitchen is in the back, and next to the living room space is another room of the same size, which would be the dining room area.

The yard is HUGE, both in front (which slopes upward gradually) and in the back (which is all fenced in all the way around...perfect for Sassy). Also, the house has a very large 2 car garage. So, if we can't get the Sutter home that we really WANT, (and I'm dying because I want it so bad I could puke), then we can live comfortably in this Plan B house. But I won't be as happy there.

Anyway, our real estate guy is going to call the home owner's real estate guy today to ask what's taking so long for them to decide, (I think he's jerking us around to get someone else to buy it outright), so hopefully by tomorrow we'll have some kind of answer about what's going on with our offer. I mean, dammit!! It's a WIN-WIN SITUATION!! How can they say NO?!! AUGHH!!

Ahem. This house buying stuff is STRESSFUL and I hate it. I just want to be done with it, start packing, and call the moving company to get us out of the house we're currently in now. Every day I'm waiting for the NEXT money pit house problem to happen around here. That's no way to live. I know there is no "perfect" house in the universe but COME ON, this one has way too many problems, quirks, and upsetting issues that cost money and will only get worse with time. I just want to move on and settle down to ONE PLACE TO LIVE for a change. I've moved 12 times in 10 years, and frankly I'm sick of it. I need a sense of permanence, security, and safety.
I haven't HAD that in FOREVER, so I'm really at the point where I'm craving it.

Maybe I'm going through a mid-life crisis, I don't know, but why the hell do I have to sit here and WAIT until I'm 50 years old before I can have a house of my OWN. It feels like it's taking FOREVER, and I'm impatient, and irritable about it. Frustrated.

Anyway, that's what we have going on around here lately. Pete's daughter and son-in-law are coming to visit us tomorrow until next Wednesday so I'm trying to get this place cleaned up. We're all planning to go to a cool haunted house place while they are here too.

Well, that's the news for now. Hopefully next time I write, we'll have the Sutter house people say YES to our offer...please keep all fingers and toes crossed until further notice. PRAY TOO!

Love, Becky

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