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Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ooooohhhhh scaryyyyy.....

We just got back from the local Scarehouse haunted tour, and it was COOL. The coolest thing was, we have a handicapped placard so they let us park right at the front, and cut in line (a MILE LONG line) of people, to go in right away! It took us about 20 minutes to get through it, we had to put our arms out and our hand on the person's shoulder in front of you as we walked it. There were ramps going up, ramps going down, stairs, airbags on either side of narrow halls, squishing you as you walked through...

AND they had a 3D section---they gave us 3D glasses, and used neon paints, so they glowed in the dark and the images painted on the walls moved around in 3D the whole time. Also, they had a spinning tunnel of polka dots in all different colors, spinning and spinning around us as we walked over the bridge in the center of it. That made me almost HURL....I yelled out, "ACK! My EPILEPSY!" and everybody laughed.

Anyway, they had big bursts of cold air shooting out at your face, loud noises blaring at you as you walk by, and of course, the usual people jumping out at you and yelling ROWRRRR!! So, all in all, we had a fun time. Of course, afterwards, we had to go to Razzy Fresh for some frozen yogurt and toppings. Mmmmmm.

Sybil and Justin (Pete's daughter & son-in-law) are here visiting from Rochester NY this weekend, so we took them and Nathan along to the Scarehouse. They all had a fun time. They also had a blast watching the Steelers win the football game today at their friend's house party.

In other news, we STILL haven't heard anything from those home owners yet. SIGH. I am really starting to feel discouraged about it. I had a talk with Pete about an idea I had, and it caused a bit of a ruckus---at first he was annoyed that I kept bugging him about this house, and he feels just as helpless about it as I do...but then I told him the idea in more detail and he said he would talk to our real estate guy about it. You see, our guy and their real estate guy BOTH have never had to deal with this specific situation of selling a house by "rent-to-own" before.

So typically, in a regular sale where the buyers apply and are approved for a mortgage, at that point they THEN put their offer in writing to the home owners. BUT...we are not able to get a mortgage. So, why not put our IDEA in writing, with several options for them to choose from, (ranging in price of how much money we put down, monthly 'rent' payments, earnest money, etc)., and outline everything from our pets and what we would offer as a pet security deposit, etc., or monthly pet fee....stuff like that.

I thought it out, and realized that we have lost out on 2 houses before we found this one, and the common denominator pattern of all three houses is that we have never put our idea or offer in writing for the home owner. So I thought, MAYBE if they have a TANGIBLE OBJECT in their greedy little hands, to read and refer back to, and show to a lawyer, etc., then MAYBE it would make a difference. But, just tossing out an abstract idea that they had never thought of before is probably NOT going to succeed as a positive answer because they can't wrap their heads around it very well on their own.

The last we have heard from our realtor is that THEIR realtor said the owners were going to consult with their lawyer to come up with some kind of answer, so right now we don't know if that has happened, or if they are just bickering amongst themselves, or if they are just desperately trying to sell it to someone else who DOES have the ability to get a mortgage. I told Pete I would feel much better with a "play by play" report from Jeff as we go along. It FEELS to me like they are ignoring us, and I want to make sure they understand that this is an OFFER to BUY their HOUSE....and if we present it in a "win-win" situation on paper, perhaps they would be more open-minded about the idea.

Anyway, so Pete will ask our realtor tomorrow about the idea, to see what HE thinks. In the meantime, we are still looking at other houses, and we found a "Plan B" house that would work for us, but is rather small, so I feel we would outgrow it quickly. But, it is decent and nice, and flipped. So, we could make it work if the Plan A house falls through. So our realtor is going to approach THOSE home owners with this same "rent-to-own" idea to see if they are open to it. Most people who flip houses, however, want their payoff immediately, so we do not expect a "yes" answer from them. But it's worth a try.

Well, that's the scoop for now. If I learn anything new this week, I will be sure to update everyone in my next blog entry.

Love, Becky

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