Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

We are buying a house!!

Today the home owners have agreed to talk with us about our offer to buy their house! YAYY!! They are definitely willing to work with us, so our realtor is busy trying to come up with a proposal contract, and once they accept it, THE HOUSE IS OURS!! YAYYYY!! YAAYYY!! YAYYY!

Ahem. Of course, we know the house has sat there empty for over a year. So the ODDS are, nobody else in this month of October will really be looking at it, or planning a move now that kids are in school, etc., so HOPEFULLY nobody else will come along and buy it out from under us while we're waiting for the negotiations and contracts, etc. But, as Pete pointed out to me, the DREAMER of the two, "life has no guarantees." Until we actually SIGN all the papers, we are still trying to be "cautiously optimistic" about it.

But...we're going back on Friday to look at it again with Nathan and Florence along with us. I will bring a pad of paper and diagram every room, make notes of things I like, take pictures, and look into every nook and cranny of the place, so that I have an idea of how I want to decorate, paint, and rearrange our furniture once we move in. I'll do the same thing I did with the current house we're in, and that is, create a binder full of those pages of every room and how I want to make it look, etc., and come up with a plan of action.

So, right now we are in the preliminary stages of an agreement between us, and the current home owners...they must be VERY relieved to be getting this house out of their lives once and for all, so we HOPE it won't take too long to get everything ironed out and signed. Now, we also have 2 home owners of the current place we're living in, that need to know about all this. So we have to be sure to give them plenty of time to put this house on the market, and start showing it, etc., so that they are not left in the lurch during the holidays.

It's going to take a lot of juggling, flexibility, and patience. I can multi-task and juggle, no problem. I am pretty darn flexible about most everything too. But patience.......well....that's not exactly my strongest suit. I had a meltdown the other night, worried to death that we won't be able to even get to the people who own the new house and maybe they'll be greedy and won't want to help us out, etc., but Pete knows that I get way too emotional about things like this, I am just no good at this domestic shit.

Well anyway, I just wanted to share the good news...here is a link to the house, what it looks like. Keep in mind, the photos do NOT do it justice AT ALL. However, I will be taking photos myself on Friday, so I'll be sure to add them later this weekend.

Love, Becky

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