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Monday, October 4, 2010

OUR DREAM HOME....this time, we're going for it!!


Click on that link above, if you want to see the house that we toured yesterday with our real estate agent. We toured about 10 homes, in 5 hours. THIS ONE, however, is the one we WANT. So, Pete is going to see what we can do to make it happen!

The 8 pictures of it really do NOT do the house justice at all. I think they are really NOT showing the entire square footage of the home, nor are they featuring all the awesome things that the house HAS, like separate heating & cooling for the upstairs as well as the downstairs---the home owners lived there 40+ years, and when their 4 kids grew up and moved out, they just shut the upstairs completely and cut their heating bills in half, living downstairs. It also has central AIR, and central VACUUM...very cool...LOTS of storage areas, even an attic area over the porch in the photo...and that porch is twice as big as the photo shows...plus it can be screened in, or even glassed in for a 3 season porch...Florence LOVES that idea for her cats to go out there. My mom and Florence and those cats would sit out there watching the birds!!

So, the photo of the driveway makes the house look SMALL....the back view of the house, however, shows the REAL square footage---43,560 square feet (1 acre)---of the property, PLUS there's a huge BARN out back that could be made into a woodworking studio, or a welding area for Nathan, or a party place or a guest house!! The possibilities are endless!!

My mom, Florence, and Pete & I would all have TWO ROOMS OF OUR OWN to live in---not just one bedroom. The kitchen is AWESOME, but in the photo, it looks TINY...however, it's really quite a large, open room...the photographer really sucks!! But, hey, that's ok, maybe more people will say "Nope" and give US time to buy it!!

The selling agent who was there at the open house yesterday reminded me of a slimy car salesman type of guy, and when OUR real estate agent asked "So, how has the traffic been today for you?" he answered, "Oh, man, it's been SO BUSY all DAY, I haven't even been able to watch much of the Steelers football game on the t.v...." but when I looked down at the sign in list of people who have been there all day, there were FOUR. One of those names was HIS. One of those names was OURS. So, really, only 3 couples toured the place all day long.

Our realtor said after we left, "he's a putz, as you can tell, and I will tell you from experience, this house is so unusual and huge, it's going to sit here awhile....it will NOT sell quickly." They've had it on the market for 2 weeks so far.

What we are hoping to accomplish, if the owner agrees, is to pay the FULL ASKING PRICE of this house, without any haggling---IF she is willing to allow us to "rent-to-own" for 2 years, WITH our huge down payment that we can give her in cash right NOW.

What we are theorizing about her situation is this....she is the daughter of the man and woman who lived in that house for 40+ years. She grew up in that house. (We assume that means the house is owned free and clear). She got married, moved away, and when her parents got older, she came back to PA and moved in to the house next door with her family. The mother recently passed away, and the father unfortunately has Alzheimers and had to go into a nursing home. So, we THINK they need $$ to pay for the nursing home expense, which we could pay monthly to cover that cost, AND we'd hand them a huge down payment of cash too. We HOPE that she would be sympathetic to OUR need of taking care of OUR parents too, and would be willing to work with us to make it happen.

AHHH!!! Pete just called to say the house was on the market LAST OCTOBER at $350K, but it sat there for a YEAR without anyone buying it!! So they have lived through a very nasty winter with it being vacant ALREADY, and so, we assume that they do NOT want to go through another winter without selling. They've dropped the price to $289,900, which we can afford, IF the daughter is willing to do the rent-to-own monthly situation for 2 years, while we get our ducks in a row and apply for mortgages between now and then, OR, until Florence sells HER house in Rochester NY and can loan us the money to pay for it OUTRIGHT, no mortgage needed.

That's where we're at right now. Will keep everyone posted.

OH MY GAWD the house warming party will be AWESOME!!! So save the date fellas, it's gonna be awesome if we can buy this house!! Keep all fingers and toes CROSSED until further notice!!

Love, Becky

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