Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Back from Rochester, heading for a snow storm!

Yes, we actually made it back from Rochester this weekend without being caught in the snowstorm that starts tonight...we're in for a doozy, they say, 6-8 inches in the next few days. Ain't life grand....I really can't stand winter, but okay, it's really not as bad as LAST year so I guess I'd better not complain too much.

We drove to Rochester this weekend to spend time with Pete's kids and celebrate his grandson's 5th birthday. It was a fun-filled day. We arrived Friday evening, got up early on Saturday to attend the Rochester Farmers Market, then drove to the local children's gymnasium to see Christopher play soccer, and watch as his little brother, Cameron (also Pete's grandson), play with other kids his own age (he's not quite 2 yet).

I took a ton of photos, and they had a lot of fun, but they had no idea what was in store afterwards...Christopher said, "I want to go to McDonalds for lunch," but his mom, Stephanie, said, "What about pizza instead?" But he said, "nooo, I want chicken nuggets..." but then Stephanie said, "Well, let's see where we drive to, and maybe you'll change your mind." So the minute she parked, he saw the CHUCK E. CHEESE sign, and screamed his head off!! He was absolutely GEEKED and we paid for a birthday party. They had 100 tokens and for nearly 3 hours, they ran around and played, ate some pizza, opened presents and had an absolute blast!

After the birthday party, we decided, after doing a little shopping, that we should probably get a head start on the snow storm that was being broadcast every minute on the radio. We had originally planned to stay until Sunday but changed our minds. We packed everything up and left Saturday around 6:00 p.m., drove to Erie PA and crashed at a hotel overnight. We were totally exhausted, but it was a fun day for all.

We got up this morning, had breakfast and hit the road. Pete stopped at the Prime Outlet Mall which is about an hour north from Pittsburgh, and we bought a few things. Then we drove to a restaurant to have some lunch, and then we stopped at a local mall to do some more shopping. After that, we zoomed home to miss the Steeler football game traffic, (they won against the Bengals today, 23-7), and we've been relaxing most of the evening.

Tomorrow Pete has to have a tooth pulled, it's got a bad infection and is doing something called "resorbtion," which means it's kind of "eating itself," like a baby tooth does when it falls out. So he's not looking forward to that, but it'll be over soon. He's been in pain all week long, and rather grumpy because of it. I told him I'd rip that stupid tooth out myself if he didn't cheer up.

So we're both pooped out and ready to hit the hay. Hope everyone had a nice weekend. I will add more pictures soon. Gotta get my Christmas cards mailed out this week!

Love, Becky

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