Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Holy WOW Batman, this past month just FLEW by....sorry it's taken me so long to update this blog folks, but I've been running around crazy like a chicken with my head cut off!

I had to drive to Michigan before Thanksgiving to pick up my mom, and bring her back to Pittsburgh so she can spend the holidays with us. Since then, we've been busy doing the Thanksgiving decorating, cooking the great dinner we had, cleaning all that up and then starting our Christmas shopping, and of course, decorating the house with all that holiday hullabaloo!

I wonder how mean and GREEN Lou Ferrigno would turn, if he knew I SNUCK two photos of him, at two different comic book conventions this year?! In April, we were in San Francisco attending a comic book convention, and I snuck a photo of him, and now this past weekend we attended another convention and I did it again! HA!! He typically charges $30 to have your picture taken with him, OR to sign his autograph on one of his photos. I cheated his butt outta $60 bucks, and I'm dang proud of it!! The greedy green man needs to learn to chill out and spread the wealth, or people like ME will keep sneaking photos of him!!

Of course, Beetlejuice showed up...he's always at these shin-digs, lookin' as bizarre as ever....
but noooo, it's NOT Michael Keaton!! Just some guy dressed up like the character, but funny!!

And of course, what would a comic book convention BE without Star Wars?!

So we had a lot of fun there, and bought too many fun things!! But, hey, it's Christmas right?!

Pete and I are all done with our shopping, (we were done the weekend after Thanksgiving actually), and we tend to avoid doing too much shopping after that point, to avoid the crowds.

This coming weekend, we're off to Rochester NY to take his kids' their Christmas gifts and visit with them for a couple days. Sybil and Justin will be coming here after Christmas too, so that will be nice.

And, in a few weeks, we'll be taking my mom back to Michigan to pack up everything she owns and we'll drive it back to Pittsburgh to put some into storage and get her settled in for good.

In the meantime, while all this has been going on, we've also been trying to acquire financing options for the house we want to buy..."the Sutter house" we call it, because it's on Sutter Road. So far we are still trying to get somewhere with this one before we move on to some other house. It's taking forever, though, I'm growing impatient and feeling like we might lose out on it, if someone else comes along and buys it before we can.

Well, that's the news from our neck of the woods! I'll be making out my Christmas cards this week and working on my holiday newsletter to include with them! Happy Holidays everyone!!

Love, Becky

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