Well, just when that dang groundhog promises "Spring will be here soon," we find out that the little rodent was WRONG!! We got dumped on last night!! They all said "Oh we'll only get 3-5 inches of snow maybe..." but take a look----this is at LEAST a FOOT of snow or more!! The weatherman lied too!! DRAT!! These liars need to be held accountable I say!! String 'em up!!

Here's the view of our patio furniture, in case you can't tell from such a high altitude just how much snow we got....it's ridiculous!! Who the HELL ordered this stuff?! It wasn't ME. If I ever find out who did it, though, they'd better RUN.
So, we called our dentist and cancelled Pete's appointment, and we called my chiropractor to cancel my appointment too...looks like we're staying in all day today. Usually we have "the boy" (Nathan) go out and clear the driveway. But, he'll soon be leaving us. He's planning to move back to Rochester NY in mid-March. So WHO THE HECK IS GOING TO CLEAR THE DRIVEWAY THEN?!! AAAUUGHH!! Let's hope the snow is GONE before then.
Yes, he's graduated with his welding degree from the community college, and wants to move back to Rochester where he knows several people, his brother and sister live there, and he knows his way around. There's also a GIRL he likes there, so hopefully he'll be able to hook up with her after knowing her since 9th grade! He'll be job hunting first thing, to either get a welding job, or to continue making more money and tips as a pizza delivery guy. One way or the other, he's excited to go off and start his life, and we're excited for him too.
In other news, Valentines' Day came and went, we were all sick with the "creeping crud," but now we're all back to our normal healthy selves. I was mostly worried about Florence, but she is healthy as a horse! A little Robitussin is all she needed, and she is finally over it too. Even the doctor had it, and said "everybody's got this virus right now," so we're not the only ones.
Pete took me out on that following Wednesday to make up for missing V-day, we had a nice dinner at the Radisson Hotel's "Brassierie" restaurant----homemade potato gnocchi, in an Alfredo sauce, with artichokes, mushrooms, and lobster! MMMMMM!! We pigged out!! Then we went to see the musical HAIR, at the Heinz Theater. It was very cool! I had never seen it before, but it was very fun. We had a great time.
Now we're heading up on spring time, (hopefully). Soon we'll be making reservations for Ocean City, to take our mom's there for Mother's Day. Then my mom and I will be driving up to Michigan for a week, to spend time with my nephews and with my best friend Laurie to celebrate her birthday and mine. After that, Pete and I will be going away at the end of May for a 9 day camping trip! YAY!! And then the summer will be upon us. I hope by then, we'll have a brand new house that we love.
So, lots of things going on right now. We just informed our current home owners that we are NOT going to buy this house, and we may sign a 3 to 6 month lease to stay on until we can get financed for the new house. So, between now and then we'll be working on fixing little things here and there that need fixing, sprucing up the paint where it's needed, and packing our stuff.
This coming weekend, Pete and I are going away to DC just to have a nice time alone. It's far enough away but close enough to home. So we're looking forward to that little getaway.
Other than that, we're just getting through this last big snow of the year...we hope...
So, let's hope all this melts, and we can get everything done and packed, and ready to move within the next 3 to 6 months. We'll keep everybody posted.
Bye for now!
Love, Rebecca
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