Anyway, what a complete loser. I read a ton of these on FARK.com today and laughed myself sick. Here's the link, if you so desire...http://www.fark.com/comments/5950949/Bill-OReilly-Meme-You-cant-explain-it-(VE)?startid=66908818
Well in other news, yes it's Valentines Day weekend. And what a thrill, we're all SICK. Yes, our wonderful son Nathan decided to be sick with the 'creeping crud' for about 3 weeks, coughing and hacking, spreading germs everywhere---despite my Lysol trips around the house---and then my MOM gets it, and it was so bad I took her to the doctor who said it was walking pneumonia, and she needed a chest x-ray...(she's better now but not 100%)...and then I got it, and I've been coughing and tired and just plain BLAH for the past few days, and just yesterday, Florence started hacking and coughing. SIGH. So, it's been a big load of FUN around here lately, to say the least.
Anyway, our plans of taking our moms both out to lunch and a movie tomorrow probably won't happen...but we have DVD's and I can cook, so we'll just have a nice afternoon together watching something at home I think. Then take naps!! We've all been sleeping a lot too lately.
There's even a Valentines Dance at the local assisted living place, right down the street (where Florence goes for physical therapy exercise and Bible study and other activities a couple times each week), and I even went out and bought her a pretty dress---we were going to curl her hair all up nice, and paint her nails, etc., but I really don't think she'll be up to it at all. Bummer. (She is relieved though, says she "can't dance.") I said, "HEYYY, everybody there is over 80, so go enjoy the MUSIC and TALK to other people, that's probably what most people will be doing, and you might meet yourself a nice GUY even!" But, she just blushed and shook her head no, chuckling at me, "You think I'm still a young woman!" I said, "Well, that's how I see ya toots!"
Ah well, she's a good egg, that Flo-Flo. We love her. She gets off some good zingers sometimes, and cracks us all up. She's really developed quite a sense of humor, hanging around all of us silly folks for so long. I think she's loosened up a lot!
So, I should just get my MOM all dolled up and have HER go meet some men at the dance instead! hehehehe Ya just never know, she might find a good one!!
Well, the good news on the home front now is, we got an important confirmation letter and are finally able to move forward with all our financial "ducks in a row" to buy this new house...it will still take some time to get everything finalized, but the initial "PAID IN FULL" confirmation letter came and that's EXCELLENT news. So, hopefully by the end of March, we'll be all set and ready to get a mortgage. Then we have to make the offer, hope they accept it, then get a home inspection, etc., and it just seems like it's taking FOREVER, but it's slowly moving forward. We did go see another house last night, but it was really just too small. But we also got some freecycled moving boxes today, so we're going to start packing all the excess stuff we don't need.
So that's the scoop from Pittsburgh. All those $25 Steelers t-shirts on the street corners now have a $5 sign on them. LOL I thought that was kinda funny. But, SHHHH, don't tell anybody here in Pittsburgh that I said that!!
Bye for now, and Happy Valentines' Day! (cough cough, hack hack, blah)
Love, Becky
1 comment:
unbelievable!!! hows married life?
Big Al
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