Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Friday, April 22, 2011


Yes indeed, we've signed 50 million pieces of paper, shook hands with total strangers, met the previous home owner *and next door neighbor* and I am already exhausted from all the moving we've started to do already!!

I am off to bed, but I wanted to write a quick message to say: WE LOVE OUR NEW HOUSE!!

Now we are planning to have the mold removed from the attic crawl space on Monday, and the tiny gas leak in the hose of the hot water heater fixed on Tuesday, and THEN we can start moving the 2 mom's over there, so they are comfy and removed from the chaos of all the boxes everywhere at the "old" house. We hope to get them in and settled by next weekend.

We also hope to have most everything (except the heavy furniture) moved to the new place before our Ocean City trip...but, depending on this nasty rainy weather and the timing of everything, that trip may have to be cancelled for us. We'll see. I really don't WANT to cancel it, but if we can't get everything done by then, we may have no choice. We have to be out of this place before May 15th, so it's quite a push for the next couple of weeks.

Today I loaded the van up 3 times, with stuff from Florence's storage unit, and unloaded it all at the new house---then I took the van into the shop, the left wheel bearing was kaput---and then I loaded the van again so that tomorrow morning we just have to take it over to unload first thing. Pete and I are going to spend all of Easter weekend packing and moving stuff, as much as we can. But, we do also plan to have a nice Easter dinner on Sunday, here with the mom's. We thought about cooking it all at the new house, but there is no heat, no gas, and no stove right now until it's fixed on Tuesday.

Well, that is the news for now. I'll be sure to write again when I have more time.

Love, Rebecca & Pete "the proud new home owners"

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