Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Steve Perry

It may not be the EXACT date of his birthday today, but it's close enough. So, Happy Birthday to Steve Perry! (I do remember that Jonathan Cain & Neal Schon have birthdays this week I think). They get a somber nod of approval. Anyway, I wore my funny ebay t-shirt to work today that says, "Just call me Mrs. Steve Perry" on it. hehehehe That's how I celebrated the man's special day. No cake, no stalking him, no sending him a present, just my own personal private way of saying, "Your face is on my chest right now, Mr. Perry! Live it up! Haleluyah and God Bless that man." (Don't hold it against me, but I have earrings with his face on them too). Ahem. HONEST! It was a moment of weakness, I didn't mean to click on "buy it now" on ebay, really I didn't. They are rather...um...bizarre, but I wore them anyway. What the hell.

I would like to take this moment to dub this entire week, (drum roll please): "National Suck-Shit-Through-A-Straw" week---or as we called it in college, "National Shit Week Number 5 million 280 thousand, 324." I, for one, am GLAD IT IS OVER!!! In addition, I fully intend on drinking my dinner this evening, like I did last night. Ohhh yes I am. I was in bed by 8:45 p.m. last night, asamatteroffact, and it was sheer BLISS! I even made Pete giggle because I was quite silly as we finally made up from our fight that has been happening most of the week. Woke up today feeling dizzy and had a headache but WTF, it was worth it. In fact, I am going to make "Alcoholism" my New Years' Resolution for 2009 because my friends, I have HAD IT.

This stupid damned house that we don't even have an official "yes" or "no" to yet, is driving both Pete and I bonkers. We've had bickering about it, and then the juvenile cold shoulder treatments of silence, along with my letter to him yesterday announcing he can go bite a rock because I am moving back to DC. (It's like the umpteenth time I've declared that decision, this shacking up thing has NOT been a smooth situation you know...we are very different in the way we think and how we handle things...but this time I got written permission from the DC homeowner to move back in if I need to, so I was @#$%! serious about it). Now, don't panic, I don't really WANT to move back to DC, but my first instinct, like my grandmother's, was to get into my car and GO FAR FAR AWAY whenever the "fit hits the shan." So, I have the wanderlust, so sue me.

Hey, but I got a job offer this week....for a lousy $8 an hour nursing home CLEANING job. Yeah. Can you say, "WTF?! I have a COLLEGE DEGREE, a KICK ASS RESUME, and I made $46K with an actual CAREER and a LIFE once, in DC, DAMMIT!!" I am just a tiny bit insulted by this. Sure, it was my idea to inquire about it, and when I walked in the door they jumped all over me, practically hired me on the spot...but I looked around the place at all the very old people, which reminded me of the Survivors I worked with at the Museum, and I know how attached I get to people...when they die off, as several of my "peeps" at the Museum have done, I am absolutely devastated. I don't think working in a nursing home is in my blood. I love older folks, though, I learn so much from them. But CLEANING, being a MAID??! Jesus. Just because I happen to have one of those sexy maid costumes in my closet does NOT mean I want to BE one. So, I politely declined the offer. Pittsburgh sucks for jobs.

Dear Mr. Obama, send me a STIMULUS CHECK and a JOB, will ya?! Like, how about RIGHT NOW?! It's not that I'm impatient as hell or anything, but COME ON DUDE, let's get rollin'!!

All of our paperwork has been turned in for this house that we're trying to get. Now it's just a waiting game, hoping and praying the current homeowner will say "yes." It's got us both spinning, though, and if they say "no," we're going to have to scramble to find a Plan B. There is no other house that we've found so far that matches this one, and I'm afraid I won't be happy anywhere else. I'm so damned attached to this place already, it's going to take a LOT to improve on it.

So, to quote Teddy Pendergrass: "another fight, things ain't right, and I'm losin' again..." Yep, that pretty much sums this whole week up. Good riddance to bad karma. TGIF and all that jazz. Hopefully soon I'll have some good news to report about this house. It would be nice to know WHERE we're moving to, before we finish packing.

SIGH. Have a good weekend everybody. I'm going to TRY and salvage the rest of my day by thinking happy thoughts...like Steve Perry blowing out candles on his birthday cake, naked of course. WOO HOOO!!!

Love, Becky

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