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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Heyyy!! Did you know....

....that Alice Cooper is now a DJ for some radio station (I think it's WUUZ or something), out of Phoenix, I believe---it's syndicated to a NY station I guess....well, Pete & I had to take off unexpectedly to Rochester NY on Tuesday evening, to help his kids move to a new apartment, so we caught his show on the way up there, and on the way back last night.  

The funny part of it was, apparently it was Alice Cooper's birthday yesterday--at least that's what he was saying---and he cracked jokes about "the 92 year old woman who was supposed to jump out of his cake, but instead suffocated and DIED inside it...and "what-are-ya-gonna-do?" which was hilarious-------and then he started playing "song dedications" to himself from various musicians who either wrote in or called him------but the reason I'm mentioning this is because I laughed so hard I nearly peed when suddenly SEPARATE WAYS by Journey was coming on---and that's when he cleared his voice and started talking in a higher-pitched fake voice, and he said, "HI ALICE, THIS IS STEVE PERRY, AND I UH...cough cough...JUST WANTED TO SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUDE!" 

Oh my GAWD that was funny as hell!!  The commercials on his show said stuff like, "Can YOU believe Alice Cooper is in his 60's now? WE CAN'T EITHER! Happy Birthday Coop!" and we cracked up the whole way home listening to him. He's really quite a funny guy.

We were also laughing about how all the 20-something's out there think that Marilyn Manson is something FRESH AND NEW when, in fact, he did the very same thing Alice Cooper did, by borrowing 2 separate names from other celebrities (I THINK Alice was a reference to "Go Ask Alice," and Cooper is in homage to Gary Cooper, if I remember my musical trivia correctly), so of course Marilyn is from Marilyn Monroe, and Manson is in homage to Charles Manson). Nothing really original about THAT idea to get a stage name, and Alice was wearing eye makeup and acting wild and weird LONG before Marilyn was even a glimmer in his momma's eye, much less even BORN yet.  So, all you silly 20-something's need to dive into history a bit. You'll find that all those so-called "original" musicians out there, at least 90% of them, are mostly doing REMAKES of classic rock songs nowadays.  I really loathe remakes most of the time, personally, BUT there are some that are AWESOME like Disturbed's version of SHOUT and the Phil Collins / Genesis song "Land of Confusion." VERY COOL REMAKES,  but of course, I love Disturbed so they could do just about anything and I'd like it.  But what the hell happened to "Listen to Your Heart," an 80's slow-dance lovesong, that was made into some kind of dance-techno-disco MESS? I don't even remember who sang it originally but they took her voice and dubbed all this bizarre dance music to it, which really sounds like CRAP. 

I sincerely HOPE that Journey never goes in that direction, letting people ruin their tunes. I think I would cry like a baby if they ever did that.

When Mariah (bleeding ears) Carey did the remake of OPEN ARMS, I nearly crapped my pants, it STUNK TO HIGH HEAVEN AND MADE ME WANT TO HURL.  I can't stand her anyway, there's always way too much stuff going on in her songs, too many people singing behind her, too much music happening, and her nasty-ass glissando's just irritate and kill me, and I'm sure they break glass in some frequencies if the decibels are too loud.  Her voice gets on my damn NERVES. Of all the people in the UNIVERSE Journey allowed to remake that song, it should NOT have been her, that's all I'm sayin'.  Was Celine Dion too busy or something? COME ON!! I tell ya who would have done an awesome job of it---Kelly Clarkson.  Or Faith Hill.  Jennifer Hudson?  ANYBODY would have done a MUCH better job than Mariah friggin' Carey!!

Just my opinion of course.

Anyway, so Alice Cooper did a Steve Perry imitation on his radio show last night and it was actually quite funny.  I will try to find it on youtube or something, and put it here for you to hear if I can.  He also made some other comments about him after the song ended, but it was too fuzzy as we were losing the signal while driving further out towards Pittsburgh (which, by the way, is now being called SIX-BURGH...much to my dismay).....so unfortunately, I have no idea what else the Coop said about the "Main Man," but I'm sure it was just as funny as the other comment.

Pete & I just lugged & moved his son Dan and his 7-month pregnant wife Stephanie to a new 2 bedroom apartment yesterday, in the morning----and then Pete's daughter, Sybil and her husband Justin were also in the process of moving, so we coordinated to help THEM in the afternoon. Unfortunately, the place they had lined up fell through, so I suggested that they look into the same apartment complex that we just moved Dan & Steph into, and when we did, they had one available, the paperwork was done 30 minutes after seeing the place, and we helped them load up the moving truck. They were on their own to unload it though, we had to get back to the 'burgh to go to work today.

Now I get back to the 'burgh and it's 3 a.m. right now, I woke up because I had some acid reflux (Dang it, we had ARBY'S for dinner...those curly fries kill me every time but I still love 'em), so I got up to take some Tums and started reading email---only to discover that the DC house that I lived in before moving here with Pete is now going to be nearly EMPTY because ANOTHER roommate is leaving.  I am still considered the "landlord on site" while David (the homeowner) is overseas in Manila until 2010 or 2011, so now I have to go to DC soon to get the place ready & cleaned up and put some "For Rent" signs around, to get 2 more people in there. What a pain in the patoot.  Not to mention packing MY OWN STUFF to move March 14-15 weekend. AARGGHH! I'll be glad when February and March are OVER, that's for sure.

Well, that's the scoop from our land of poop. Hope everybody's keeping warm, and let's all pray for SPRING TIME and WARMER WEATHER SOON!! Bye for now.

Love, Becky

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