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Monday, February 2, 2009

Yeah so what, I'm a silly girl....

Well.....ahem.....it seems that I got quite a few astonished comments from various people on my Facebook account, regarding these Super Bowl photos....one guy I went to school with, who recently revealed to me that he's gay, said that he was "speechless" when he saw me in those fishnet stockings....hehehehe...I said, "Whassamattah D, you want some of those to wear too? Jealous? Hmmm?!" hehehehe  (I can mess with him, he's cool, we're good buddies).

My sister remarked that "I am a crazy woman."  I wrote back, "You're just NOW figuring that out about me?!" hehehehehe....my best friend Laurie remarked, "Wow those stockings are cool, you're just a crazy chick."  And yes, okay fine, I'll admit it---I very well might be just a little whacked, but ya know what?! That's what makes me so gosh-darned LOVEABLE and you KNOW it!

Ya know what? Life is too damned short to be NORMAL AND BORING all the time, that's the way I feel about it. Why sit around being repressed, boring, and "normal" all day long, when you can get a little spazzy, silly, and whacked now and then?  I mean, don't knock it 'til ya try it. That's all I'm sayin'.  Every once in a blue moon, I feel the need to be SILLY. So sue me.

You are all my friends and family, right?  Then dang it, you all KNOW how serious I am most of the time about life and everything---I mean come ON people, I've been immersed in studying Holocaust history most of my life since the age of 10!!  I had to go home every evening after working at that Museum full of depressing stuff all day every day, and watch the Three Stooges, just for some free THERAPY and LAUGHS to keep my spirits up and positive, after dealing with man's inhumanity towards man at work 6 days a week, for 6 years straight....I mean I'd like to see YOU guys work there 6 years without losing a tiny bit of YOUR sanity...it's not exactly an EASY place to work ya know.  

I mean, I had to escort idiot neo-Nazi skinheads out of the building because they kept "Heil Hitlering" all over the place like a bunch of retards....(I sometimes gave them a pass to return the next day, so I could personally take them through the Museum myself, telling them they obviously have a learning disability and needed a refresher course; not ONE of them came back the next day, chickenshits).  

Ya don't think that might mess up your head just a little bit, being called a Nazi every day of the week when it's time to close the place? I got a very thick skin outta that, lemme tell ya.  I used to have to listen to people giving me crap like, "I traveled all the way from ___ (fill in the blank)"...and it was usually ISRAEL, so they thought they OWNED the place...and I'd have to remind them of the OTHER groups who were persecuted BESIDES the Jews.  (Homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Handicapped, Roma Sinti (Gypsies) and Poles)....

Or how about this classic one, "don't you KNOW who I AM?" as we try to get them to leave for the day...oh my GAWD I hated that....so my standard reply was, "You're the king of the world? The President of the United States? Or, unlike THEM, could you be someone REALLY important, maybe?" or "My goodness, nobody TOLD me that the Czar of Russia was here, nice to meetcha."   (I really hated smart-ass "don't you know who I am" attitudes). Yeah, so I saw some very bizarre shit while working there, I could tell you stories that would curl your toes.

Can you really blame me, then, when I have moments where I want to be a little silly?

In high school, I would be invited to parties on a Saturday night, but I'd usually have some Holocaust documentary on t.v. that I had to see, so I would just stay home and watch it---ya'll thought I was MORBID because of that---but I felt it was important.  Remember when I filled a dozen or more milk jugs with water, after reading Nostradamus when I was 12, and being freaked out that someday we wouldn't have any WATER to drink? Well, that's what the man SAID, so of course, I figured I'd corner the market on that, I was just being an entrepreneuer! (My mom made me remove them from our large freezer because there was no room for FOOD). hehehe.....and remember when I was 8 years old, outside, putting canned goods inside the mailbox?  My mom yelled out the door, "What the hell are you doing," and I yelled back, "How do you spell ETHIOPIA?"  Now, if those things about me and my history don't PROVE that I'm a very serious-minded-chronic-sufferer-of-the-"save-the-world-syndrome," then I don't know WHAT WILL.

So every once in a blue moon, I put aside my seriousness, and I decide to be SILLY. Cut me some slack people, I should be allowed to have a LITTLE fun once in awhile!!

So nyahhhh. I stick out my tongue to all of you for being boring, normal, buzzkillin' POOPS.

Love, Becky

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