Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Journey's new web site...

www.journeymusic.com is now newly re-done and relaunched.  It looks pretty nice from what I could tell, I didn't scour through every little thing, but it is worth checking out. They are going on tour soon also, but not anywhere near Pittsburgh I'm afraid. SIGH.

Well it's only two weeks away, this big move of ours...I can't seem to make myself pack anymore though. It feels like this whole process has taken forever and it's bugging me that we still have two weeks left to go...I feel like renting a bulldozer, burying everything I own in the backyard and starting over completely with all new stuff. 

But Pete's boss said it probably won't be until May before we are sent to San Francisco, so that's a relief, at least I'll be able to unpack and get some decorating done first.  I told Pete I need to lose 100 pounds before then...we'll be the fattest people in the whole city if we don't get busy now and get rid of the flab before we go.  He thinks 20 pounds is more realistic, but I'm just fed up with lookin' like a frump. I got a sexy diva hottie goddess inside me and she's wanting to come back out to play!! hehehehe  (Anybody got a tapeworm to sell? That would work quite well I think. Seriously, do hospitals sell them as dietary assistance? They should).

Last night Pete took me to the Home show, and it was interesting. Too many window salesmen around there though, bugging us to sign up to win stuff.  Just let us walk around and munch on the free samples of fudge and dips and turkey sticks...I mean come ON that's what a Home show is all about, right? Free munchies! WOO HOO!  I gathered a bunch of brochures and magazines of course, because that's what packrats DO.  And I got some cool ideas for re-doing the kitchen in this house of ours.  Mosaic tile backsplash babyyyyyy, ohhhh yes....gotta love it....I get so geeked about stuff like this, I really think I should have gone into interior design. Oh well, too late to reinvent myself now, I'm just too old to start over doing something else.

Well, I guess I should go force myself to finish packing some stuff. The kitchen is all done, but I still have to work on the bathroom, my bedroom, and the media room....bleah.  I'm just glad there will be 10 people helping us.  Hopefully it will go by quickly and I can get busy getting settled in. 

It'll get my mind off waiting to hear back from Miep Gies about getting a grant to publish my book...the book will cost me $14,600 which basically put the KABASH on the whole thing, where the hell can I get that kind of money?!!  But if she and Cor Suijk can award me a grant to help pay for it, like they did when I had the idea to create a web site for kids, then the project may still happen. I just gotta find a way to get this book published.  It's already taken me 10 years to get to this point, and everybody I wanted to read it is dying off.  

The place I went to with my book is a subsidy publisher, meaning I would be the one paying to have it published, but THEY would take care of marketing and PR and everything that goes with it, all in one package deal. Because it's a book that will be in full color, it will cost more than the usual fee they charge which is typically $6,000-$10,000.  So, when I found that out, I felt bummed and not in the mood to do much of anything. I copied the contract and mailed it to Miep, who should be receiving it this weekend, with a request to see if they could help me with a grant.  We'll see.

Let's hope I get some good news soon from Miep. I really want this book to be a success.  If nothing comes of it, though, I may just put it here on my blog and/or out into my web site. I can do that for free.

Bye for now.

Love, Becky

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