Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


WOW!! What a GAME!!! That Super Bowl football game was AWESOME, and I don't even really LIKE football all that much!!  But DAMN that was SWEET!!  

Pete and I had fun watching it, especially when that one dude ran ALL THE WAY DOWN THE WHOLE FIELD to score a touchdown!! That was INCREDIBLE!!  And then that very last touchdown was so SWEET, we were biting our nails when the Cardinals were ahead for that last few minutes, but we bounced back and WON!!

I think the funniest commercial was the Doritos one, where the guy crunched a chip and some chick's clothes flew off, and then he crunched another one, and money flew out of an ATM machine, and then he crunched another one, and a policeman ran at him but melted into a monkey, and then the guy ran out of chips and got hit by a bus--HA! that was HILARIOUS!!  And what about BRUCE?!! THE BOSS!!! You gotta be KIDDING ME!!! He was AWESOME....I've never seen him in concert, but Pete has, and that performance was WAY cool....I am impressed!! WAY TO GO BRUCE!!

Anyway, Pete took some fun pictures of me wearing his Roethelesburger football jersey, with my hair in silly looking pigtails, but I think they turned out kinda cute, so here they are...Oh, and he bought me some sexy pink & black stockings too, (cuz I'm a GIRLY-GIRL don'tchaknow), which I wore underneath the jersey, and HA!! I just went out and MOONED several cars that are flying by right now on our street--you should here the NOISE out there, people yelling and whooping it up and screaming, waving terrible towels, honking their horns....yeah, there will be no sleep in HERE tonight, (to quote Pink Floyd).....but here are the pics. I'm off to moon some more 20-something's next door...DAMNED NOISY KIDS! GET OFF MY LAWN!! hehehehehe

Seriously though, the Steelers are AWESOME....and I didn't think I was all that into football!

Love, Becky  ps. They closed all the downtown streets here in the 'burgh, several bars are closed and they've already DELAYED every school in Pittsburgh to open 2 hours LATER tomorrow!! HA, and Pete's office is near a bunch of college campuses, apparently students are setting things on FIRE down there now, and turning cars upside down!! hehehehehe Good God what a town.

Here I am, ready for the game to start!! You can just call me BRALESSBURGER BABYYYY!!! hehehehehehe

I'm just giving the Cardinals a little distraction as Pittsburgh intercepts on the goal line!!! hehehehe

And here I am giving BRUCE a big t.v. HUG!!  
Wow he did a GREAT job at halftime!! SWEET! Lookin' mighty FINE, there, BOSS MAN!!  I tell ya, he's made one HELL of a comeback, that man. I can only wish for the same kind of comeback for Steve "Main Man" Perry someday....sigh....
I'd like to shake Steve's hand and say to him from the heart....COME ON!! GET OFF YOUR LAZY BUTT AND SING SOME MORE, DAMMIT! WE MISS YOU!!!  AAUUGGHHH!!

.....Ahem....but I digress...

 Do I look like I'm TWELVE or WHAT?! hehehe I'm just a dorky chick, what can I say...I don't have enough damned HAIR to pull this pigtail thing off, but ok, what the heck, I'll go for it!!

Here's Pete and I, sitting in front of the t.v., eating our potato skins with sour cream, bbq chicken wings, and sausage-stuffed mushrooms and shrimp cocktail! Mmmm ya just gotta love manly football food...(good GAWD there goes our new years' DIETS!!) 

Sassy's like, "MOM! Don't be so OBSCENE!" heheheh  Poor dog.....anyway, here I am wearing the sexy pink & black laced up stockings that Pete bought for me---I'm such a GIRLY GIRL!! Ah well, they don't really match the gold and black football jersey, but what the heck, I love 'em! 

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