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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Heading to the beach......YAY!

I'm actually glad that it's raining right now.  I just hope it gets all this rain out of its system BEFORE the weekend, so that I can go enjoy the beach with some SUNSHINE.  I fully intend to get sunburnt to a crisp, drink some alcoholic drinks, eat too much, (especially ICE CREAM) and just RELAX awhile. Oh yes, this weekend is my mini-vacation, with my friend Barbara, in Ocean City Maryland. YAY! 

I just mailed out the gifts for Mother's Day, so those should arrive by Saturday.  I hope my mom and sister enjoy what I sent them.  I also sent cards to my two best friends from high school (who both have kids of their own), Annette and Laurie, and I also sent a card to my favorite "pseudo-Mom," Melva June Solon....she is the older sister of singer Kevin Chalfant, and we've been best buddies for over 10 years now.  I love her very much, she is somebody I consider my family. Unfortunately, Melva is having a lot of health problems, fighting cancer. But, she has a nursing background and she's a big supporter of holistic health treatments, so she's keeping positive and active, not letting the cancer stop her in any way. I admire her a lot.

So, all the mom's in my life are taken care of, and so now it's OUR turn, we two single women from Muskegon Michigan, who have known each other since the age of 9, to head to the beach and have some fun.  I'm sure it will be a major tourist trap clusterf@#$k with all the mother's and kids running around, but the arts and crafts fair is always a fun time.  I get lots of ideas to make myself, actually, so I always bring a pad of paper and a pen to write things down!! hehehe No point in paying THEM for the same thing I could make myself, right??

Anyway, usually we stay at the Flamingo hotel while we're there, but they were already booked full, so we are staying at the one next to it, but I don't remember the name....I'll have to look in my email so I can remember which one Barbara reserved for us. (HA!! She just called me, it's the DUNES MANOR).  

I remember she said it has an outdoor pool, but unless that water is in the 80 degree range, you can count me OUT.  I mean, hey, I used to swim in Lake Michigan when I was a kid, and there were many times when my lips turned blue, but as I've grown older, I just can't swim in cold water anymore. No thank you!!

So I'm getting on a plane Friday morning to BWI and then we're driving 3 hours to the ocean. I can't wait to see those waves, and feel the sand in my toes...mmmmm!!!

Well, I have to go, but have a GREAT Mother's Day everybody, and I'll write again when I get back to the 'burgh on Sunday evening.

Love, Becky

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