Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ahhhh, a wedding location....

DAYDREAM SEQUENCE: (tinkling music and fluttering eyelids)......after I walk down that aisle in my gorgeous Cinderella wedding dress, and kiss the man I'm going to marry and say "I do," suddenly Pete says, "Everyone, I have a very special surprise for my new wife, Rebecca. But I think we'll all enjoy it very much, so please put your hands together for the musical entertainment---the song FAITHFULLY, performed IN PERSON, by none other than Steve Perry." I squeal in amazement, Steve Perry kisses my hand and says "Congratulations, I only wish I had gotten here sooner to steal you from him," and I keel over dead away in a completely FAINT...missing the whole damned song because I'm such a DORK.

LOLOLOLOL giggle and guffaw!!

Okay okay, I'll take a deep breath now.....ahhhhhh.....yes, okay....I'm back to reality now....

Ahem....well my fine-feathered friends, we've got the location!! HALELUYAH!! So that means we've got the DATE SET too!! It's going to happen exactly ONE YEAR from this weekend!!! AAUUUGGHHH!!! Can you believe it?! One super fast YEAR will go by, and suddenly I'm no longer SINGLE....holy crap...it's gonna fly right by so quick my head will spin...I just know it.

Tonight Pete and I went to a local party planning store and found the perfect plates, cups, napkins and serving trays, they all match, and they are all very elegant with an "island" theme of flowers around the edges....the best part is, they were all on clearance at 75% off!!! So to feed and serve beverages to 100 people, (our estimate), we spent a big fat $97 bucks. You just cannot BEAT THAT WITH A STICK UNTIL IT BLEEDS!! I mean come ON fellas, that's just a friggin' miracle!! We were totally geeked and giggling the whole time, having a blast!!

So, the Gilligan's Island theme for the reception is a definite YES because we'll have the POOL there, and two life guards on duty so the parents don't have to worry about their kids, and we'll put one 9 foot natural raffia "hula skirt" around the bridal party table, with large bright orange daisy flowers glued to the edges, and it's going to be so pretty, I can't even STAND IT.

The other day I was flipping channels on the t.v. (foregoing my usual addiction to Turner Classic Movies, and my "I Love Lucy" reruns that I usually watch), and I found a show called, "My big fat fabulous wedding," where this drop-dead gorgeous blonde chick and her spoiled rotten yuppy fiance are planning this unbelievable wedding in Hawaii, and after all this soap opera crap, the grand total they spent on it was a whopping $368,000 bucks!!! I nearly crapped my pants, what a couple of SUCKERS, starting life out in their 20's, so deep in debt!!

Now, I've done some research online, and found that the average cost of a typical wedding is $27,000 bucks....so that show and those people were just from some other planet or something, I don't know WHAT the hell they spent all that money on....anyway, that's just CRAZY. I mean, I can make and do just about everything MYSELF and spend less than $5,000 bucks....seriously. That's what my budget is, anyway. We'll see if we can stick to it or not!!

The facility rental is already the most expensive thing (except for my rings) that we've encountered thus far. But, you can't beat the location, it's right around the freakin' CORNER, and the atmosphere is awesome, so I just hope and pray that it won't RAIN that day...oh, and the day we chose (which very well MIGHT CHANGE in September if a Saturday opens up), is July 18th, a Sunday. They also had every Sunday in August open, but I figure it's nicer to swim in a pool in July, so let's just go with that. Now, if somebody cancels a Saturday, we can change the date if we need to, (and the lady who rents this place said she would let me know), and that when September comes, she'll have a better idea of who might or might not be canceling for next summer, so hopefully something will work out to give us the Saturday we would prefer. But until then, we're locked in, and waiting to sign the contract on it.

I snuck over to the facility yesterday to take another look, and despite the people there who were currently using it, I just wandered around a bit, and took some pictures of the place. I just have to figure out how to get them off my iphone and onto the computer here so I can upload them for you to see. But now I know what all the tables look like, I still have to measure the diameter, but I have a better idea of where everything is located, how to move things around where needed, etc., so I think it'll be good for planning purposes to refer to them a lot.

Anyway, so that's the scoop for now. I'll keep you posted as things progress. We are working on an invitation list, we expect to invite about 100 people, and hopefully we'll have 80 attend, but we'll see. We might invite 150 and see if we can get 100 people there. I just don't know many people, so I'm kinda stuck. I may have to invite some friends from high school!! haha

Of course, I would DEFINITELY invite Steve Perry to come, (heyyyy maybe I'll send an invite to his friend Lora Beard and ask her to bring him as her date!!)....and he could sing Faithfully to me in person....swoon....(oh but then I'd have to file an annulment the next day from Pete and run away back to Hawaii with him!!) LOLOLOLOLOL just kiddin....that man, oh LORD that man....I mean, seriously, he'd win every dang argument we'd have if we ever really dated, because all he'd have to do is open his gorgeous PIE HOLE and sing something to me, and I'd melt into a damned puddle, completely unable to disagree with him about anything. SIGH. A subbie's wet dream, to say the least....yesssss indeed. God Bless that man, wherever he is.

Well, bye for now.

Love, Becky

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