Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Guess what Pete gave me today....!!!

It is now OFFICIAL.....Pete and I are ENGAGED!! Today is July 18, and next year on this very date, we will be getting HITCHED!!! He took his mother and I out for a nice dinner and then to see the play "Oklahoma," this evening, and to my surprise, they were both very excited because they knew that he was going to give me the engagement ring tonight----but I had NO CLUE!! So it was very much a surprise, and I loved every minute of it!! (I thought it was rather ODD of him to say, when we first got there, "Hold still I want to take a picture of your hand," and I said, "What for?" (Duhhhhh)...I'm a little slow on the uptake)!! haha.....he gave me the ring and took another picture of it ON my finger and said, "I just wanted a "before" and "after" photo of your hand!!" What a silly poop this man is sometimes....butcha just gotta love the big lug!!

Here's a close up of the ring...it's white gold, with an antique-ish looking filigree on each side, and 3 diamonds on the top, in a straight line all the way across the top. It's just so dainty and delicate and pretty, I love it....(I am not a "bling bling" type of girl, so this ring is not too over the top, and I like it that way).

So, it was a very happy evening, and a very happy occasion for us all.

We also managed to find ourselves a clergy person today, who will do our ceremony!! Our friend Lisa, (who is actually going to be Pete's "best friend," rather than "best man"), has been friends since childhood with a woman who is now a Methodist pastor, and she agreed to do our ceremony for $150!! How cool is that?!

So now we've got everything but the brides maid dresses and the cake!! hehehehehehehe

Well, there ARE more details to take care of, but the biggest ones, which usually take the longest to plan, are DONE!!!! WOO HOOOOOO!!!

And so, instead of keeping my own last name (Gray), or doing the hyphenated thing with his name behind mind (Hoch), (pronounced HOKE), we decided that we should just combine the two names, and become:

"Mr. and Mrs. HO-RAYYYYY!" hehehehehehehe (Just kiddin').

Love, Becky

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