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Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The search for brides maid dresses continues...

Ya know, I have wasted my entire afternoon going around to Sears, JC Penney, Kohl's, and Macy's, only to find that none of them have anything even remotely CLOSE to a brides maid dress. I even braved the annoying Toys R Us store to try and find anything remotely close to "Gilligan" like palm trees, or a plastic boat, something to make a "diorama" of the lagoon with...because I'm one of those annoyingly visual people...and I thought it might be cute....but nooooo, do you think this "toy store" has a plastic BOAT anywhere?? What a crapper. I can't find a stinking plastic BOAT in a toy store, folks, much less a brides maid dress under $60 bucks. SHEESH.

I live near a David's Bridal store, but CONFLABBID (that is a "swear word" that we allowed Laurie's kids to say when they were younger and didn't know it wasn't really a swear word...hehehe)...I just can't stand it that this ONE STORE has cornered the market on all the damned brides maid dresses in this stupid city, I wanted to avoid that place because it's so ridiculously overpriced, for a lousy dress these women will only wear ONCE...I wanted to find something nice, simple, pretty...something they would wear more than one time, and something they could afford easily rather than breaking the bank. It's bad enough they all have to travel out of state for this shin-dig-o-mine, I don't want them to be flat broke because of me. Times is hard ya'll.

So, I'm going to a *cringe* bridal show *ick* to see what I can find. It's on August 9th, so I have a couple weeks before I can really dig in and get serious about it. Soon all the stores will be getting their holiday dresses in stock too, like Dress Barn---I really LIKE the clothes at Dress Barn a lot---so I'm going to check them out in September and October too, but I seriously doubt I'm going to find a CORAL DRESS at Christmas time in this godforsaken town. Coral, at least, the dark coral that I love, (NOT the light coral color, this is more like spicy pumpkin maybe), is a very difficult color to find in a brides maid dress out here for some insane reason.

Maybe I should go to Baltimore with Barbara and go look around there, or in Virginia, where CIVILIZATION exists, and more than ONE store actually has things you are looking for. What a concept. Imagine the other 4 brides maids besides Barbara, who are stuck in BFE Michigan!! I don't want them to rent a dress either, that's just plain dumb. Bad enough the men gotta rent tuxedo's for this damned thing. I suggested a simple shirt and tie, but ohhhh nooo, Pete said "no way" and insists on a tux. So be it, I love the look of them too, but I thought it might save some $$$$$ to go the other route. Oh well.

I've been scouring the internet for brides maid dresses and frankly, whoever designs these damned dresses really has no imagination or originality whatsoever. They all look very similar and they are either too formal, not the right color, or not in the right sizes to order 5 of them. I'm about ready to pull my hair out of my head, and I've only just started searching!! ARGH!!

Maybe we should have a "clothing optional" wedding....LOL.....ok ok, I'm only joking, but that would make life so much easier. *wink* I'm all for skinny dipping in the pool though!! WOOO HOOOO!!!

Well, I guess it's back to the drawing board. But I'm working on the save-the-date magnets, those should be ready soon for mailing, I just have to gather some addresses together from Pete and my guests that are on the list too, and get them in the mail. I'm also working on an invitation, and program. The centerpieces are all put together but they need some fancification and then they are ready to roll...so things are coming along fine so far, except for these dresses.

I learned from the lady who rents the pavilion that they are getting all new tables next year, so I can't cut the vinyl that I bought to use for table cloths yet....and that's going to take me awhile because I really wanted to cut them as soon as I can, I want them to have scalloped edges and ribbon bows around the sides....but I may not get to that....it just might have to be plain. But vinyl won't blow away in an outdoor pavilion like paper or plastic would, and that just looks too damned cheap anyway, but this is nice vinyl and I think it'll work just fine. I have about 8 bolts of the stuff sitting in a corner....sheesh...30 tables is the estimate, but I don't know now with the new tables they will have. I went over there to measure the damned tables too! Oh well, nothing I can do about it.

So, the plans keep rolling and I'm doing what I can right now, but it's no wonder this wedding stuff takes so long to get accomplished. There might be something to say about eloping....

Bye for now.

Love, Becky

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