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Friday, July 10, 2009

Wedding stuff.....it's out of control people!! HELP ME!!!

GREAT GOOGA MOOGA....well, here it is folks, no fanfare, no drum roll, just me in a dressing room with my new iphone, taking a photo of myself in the awesome wedding dress I bought!! It reminds me of something Cinderella would wear, and it makes me all "oozy" inside when I see myself in it....I've never been an "oozy" kinda chick....but okay, I'm a sappy fool, what can I say? I just LOVE THIS DRESS....that's the bottom line really.

You'll never GUESS where I got it, and when I tell you how much it cost, you'll crap your pants....

Now, keep in mind I've been going around to various wedding stores like David's Bridal and several others, just to look around....but the prices of those dresses were insane. I mean, DAMN you only WEAR the stupid thing for ONE DAY in your whole entire LIFE...why the heck would you shell out major buckage for something you're only gonna wear ONCE?!! Seems stupid to me, so being the ever-so-practical-minded chick, I decided to take a dress I already own, and perhaps "tweak" it a bit with some fabric and tulle and frilly fru-fru lace and pearls....get it altered and stuff....but when I went to the fabric store to price out the frilly fru-fru crap, holy JEEZ, it was in the major buck range too!!! Unbelievable. I'm just too cheap for all that crap.

So, since the fabric store is near a local thrift store, (namely GOODWILL), and since I absolutely LOVE going to thrift stores for a treasure hunt from time to time, I decided, "What the heck," and walked in the door----only to find THIS WEDDING DRESS standing there on a mannequin, staring at me. It's BRAND NEW, never been worn, and it was my size, AND the price.....NOW HERE IS A DRUM ROLL.......drrrrrrrrrdrrrrrrdrrrrdrrrrr CHA BANG!!

SEVENTY FIVE DOLLARS. Can you friggin' BELIEVE THAT?!! I nearly fell over when I saw the price tag...I mean LOOK at that DRESS people....it's gotta be worth at LEAST $800 bucks, from what I have been looking at in bridal stores and in catalogs....I don't know for sure, but I know DAMN WELL it's worth much more than $75 bucks!!! I said to the clerk working there, "Um, is this a mistake, is it really just $75, or should there be a 2 or a 5 in front of that?" She said, "Nope, that price is correct." I said, "Holy BEJEEZUS, I'll TAKE IT!!"

And so, the bargain shopping QUEEN will now allow you to kiss her toes. Just don't lick 'em.

Yes now I have a wedding dress. It needs to be altered a bit, because my "bodacious bazoomba's" are a bit BAUDY and BIG don'tchaknow....but what the hell, if I spend $50 to alter the dang thing, it's STILL a steal!!! I mean, you just can't beat that with a stick, people!!

And here's the veil I just made today....(I bought one of those ready-made veils from the Michael's craft store and added the fancy flowers and pearls to it). Not too bad, eh? I love making stuff like this, I've done other people's weddings and stuff too, including my mom's!

And here's the hair comb for the brides' maids, I just took a plain plastic comb, and hot glued some flowers and pearls and ribbon to it. I think they turned out very nice.

I'm also going to make their bouquets, give them a necklace, and a pashmina to wear with this dress that I found at Dress Barn....I love it because it's subtle colors, they can wear it more than once, and it'll work for either summer OR fall....it's just so pretty, I can't stand it...

I've already made my own bouquet too...here it is....(imagine similar bouquets in front of that brides maid dress....GORGEOUS ain't it?!) I just love how elegant and simple it is....love it!!

Then of course, I had to get a cake topper...now, I once took a cake decorating class YEARS ago with my mom, but I don't think I'll tackle that project. I'll leave that to the professionals. All I know is, it has to be made with Splenda so I can EAT IT. (Damned diabetes). Anyway, so I went to the craft store and found this plain white cake topper that bored me to tears. So, I took it all apart, and made it my own unique thing, with a symbolic addition of flowers....the two white flowers symbolize Pete and I, and the other 3 flowers are his kids, which I am inheriting!

So, there you have it. In the past week, I have been rather busy and obsessed with this Bridezilla stuff, as you can tell. But I figure since I have a whole year to get everything just the way I want, I might as well start working on the little things, so I can deal with all the bigger stuff later.

We're going to have a Bachelor and Bachelorette party combined together, rated G for the kids who will be attending, and the theme will be GILLIGAN'S ISLAND....yes, I'm serious....no, I'm not kidding....that was one of Pete's (and my) favorite kitschy shows from the 70's so we figure we should have fun with it. Everybody dresses in a costume of their favorite character, we have Pete's son Nathan dress up as a gorilla who runs around randomly picking people up and carrying them away...we'll have broken radios all around the tables, Pete wants to hook up an exercise bike to a light switch somehow, so that it won't work unless you pedal.... hehehehe....and of course, we'll have coconut cream pies, and laugh a lot. I might even create one of those boards that has the faces of each character cut out so people can take funny photos. It'll be a HOOT-and-a-half-and-three-quarters!!! But for YOU, I'll only charge 50 cents!!!

I'm going to bed now, but I just wanted to share all this fun stuff with everybody. I figure we'll have a blow out long weekend, with the bridal shower on a Thursday evening, the bachelor and bachelorette party of Gilligan's Island on Friday evening, the rehearsal dinner on Saturday and the wedding & reception on Sunday----all here at our house. Much cheaper that way!!

I'm all for having a cheap but fun wedding, so that we can go off on an awesome honeymoon!!
(I tell ya, I'm just too practical minded for my own good). And I'm a bargain shopping GODDESS!!! hehehehehe

Love, Becky

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