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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Journey concert in Ohio tomorrow night!! WOO HOO!


Ah yes, I finally get to see my favorite band perform again, after several years!! YAY!! I'm looking forward to it. This is an old picture of my Journey "Man-Sandwich" that I love and cherish...Neal Schon on the left, the lead guitarist, and Jonathan Cain on the right, the keyboard/piano player. Ya gotta love these guys for their determination to keep this band going for so long.

It'll be very cool to finally get to see the new lead singer, Arnel Pineda, perform. His voice sounds like they somehow cloned Steve Perry's vocal chords when he was in his 30's, and implanted them into this new guy...he's really quite amazing. Gave me chills the first time I heard him sing.

Anyway, Pete is taking a half day off work and we're heading up to Ohio tomorrow afternoon, so I'm having a hard time figuring out which Journey t-shirt I want to wear...I wish my Steve Perry shirt was still wearable, but it's been beaten, bloodied and bludgeoned to near unrecognizability from my wearing it so much...I do have a "Just call me Mrs. Steve Perry" shirt though, hehehehe!! (Got it on Ebay...not even sure where the heck it is right now, that's how often I wear it).

So I'll be sure to report every detail that I can after the concert. I do miss the "Main Man," (Steve Perry), but I'm glad he's living his life the way he wants to, and he deserves to retire in happiness. The other guys, well, I have the feeling they're going to keep rockin' until they croak. I guess Neal has to pay off all those ex-wives of his...hehehehe

Bye for now. Love, Becky

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