Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Monday, November 16, 2009

I must be insane...

.....because I am having a yard sale for the second day in a row. What the heck possessed me to do this?! I have so many other things to do around here, it's just insane. I've been lugging stuff out to the driveway, pricing it all, up and down stairs, all through the garage, etc., and now I'm surrounded by STUFF everywhere, wondering where all the customers are...

And of course, it was nice and sunny YESTERDAY but there was a @#$%! football game going on so I had next to NOBODY, and today it's crappy cloudy and cold....GRRRRR....I made a whopping $6.50 yesterday, and today so far I've made $5 bucks.....but then a wind came and blew over two glass items and they both broke into smithereens. DRAT DRAT DRAT, there go the profits!!

BLEAH. Remind me never to do this again. Take it all to Goodwill and call it a day. Silly greedy me.

Anyway, Pete's going to be in a play soon, playing (of all roles), SANTA CLAUS....it's called "Santa's Festive Follies," I think, and he's going to rehearsals nearly every evening until opening night. I hardly see him much anymore, with his job asking him to work 7 days a week until the end of November. SIGH. Oh well, it's the busy season for Apple computers don'tchaknow. Not much I can do about it.

Well, that's the news for now. Off to see if I have any customers.....bleah. Somebody remind me again why I'm sitting outside on a 45 degree day surrounded by junk I no longer want or need? I truly believe I am insane for doing this. Silly stupid greedy me.


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