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Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day...

Hello everyone, and I hope if you had today off, you actually read some quotes of MLK or saw a documentary about him, or somehow celebrated his life and his accomplishments.

This morning I found a dead bird in our front yard. It was torn to shreds, beheaded, quite a mess. I think perhaps a stray cat must have found it, because all that was left was feathers really. I instantly felt immense sadness, the poor thing, I love birds...but then I realized with a jolt, that EVERY TIME I SEE A DEAD BIRD, SOME BIG CHANGE COMES in my life.

Seriously, I have only seen a handful of dead birds in my life time, but each and every time I have seen one, something big happened. The last time I saw one, it was at the house where Pete and I lived in Avalon, in our separate apartments, when I first moved here. A few months later, we found THIS house where we currently live, and we moved.

(Do you see where this is heading?!)

Yep, you guessed it!! Not only did this bird get my mind racing about this dream house that I love, (I am officially OBSESSED about this house, according to Pete's mom), but THEN this afternoon, the mortgage person called and told me that we CAN get a house, and described the details, and she would do some more research and let us know some numbers and stuff, to see what we can afford and what we can do!! I am very excited!!

I told Pete, "I just KNOW this dream house is going to be our next house, don't ask me HOW I know it, and I have no idea WHEN, or how it will happen, I just KNOW that it WILL HAPPEN." He, of course, thinks I am a nutball.

But, I reminded him, when I was 12 years old, I said to my junior high school girl friends, "I'm going to meet Steve Perry someday," and they all laughed at me, but HEY CHICKIES, who's laughing NOW?! I met him TWICE!! So NYAHHH on all you naysayers who thought I was crazy!! I just KNEW that I would meet him someday. In a 12 year old girl's mind, he's on the same planet, breathing the same air, so of COURSE we would cross paths someday, right?! It was all a total FLUKE though, I mean, I didn't DO anything to make it happen, it just somehow transpired without any effort on my part. I was there in Milwaukee on the opening night of his "For the Love of Strange Medicine" tour, and before the concert began, I wanted to go buy a t-shirt, so as I walked down the main aisle, I saw this tall guy with an official looking piece of plastic around his neck, a badge of some kind, and I suddenly blurted, "Excuse me, but I will give you the biggest, wettest, sloppiest kiss of your LIFE if you can get me backstage to meet Steve Perry tonight," and whatdayaknow, this total stranger happened to be ROME, Steve's bodyguard, and he DID try to get me backstage!! I ended up being told that Sony people were there to meet with him so he couldn't greet people that night, but he brought me an autographed 8x10 black and white photo of Steve, and I was GEEKED. That was it, I thought, how very cool, I was happy as a lark!! But then, the OTHER members of his band came out to greet people, and the drummer, Moyes Lucas, took a liking to me for some reason, and suggested that I show up at the Detroit show a few weeks later, and he would get me backstage!! Moyes kept his promise, TWICE actually, and I met him again in Kalamazoo!!
Total fluke, but something in the cosmos told me when I was 12 that I would meet that man!!

Then, when my friend Annette called and said, "My brother got you a ticket to go see MIEP GIES at the University of Michigan," I drove clear across Michigan all excited, because I just somehow KNEW I would meet her, too, and after her brother left to go attend one of his classes, I was trying to find my way out of the stadium where the awards ceremony had been held, and I was thrilled to have seen my favorite human on this planet, this woman who was more like an angel on earth, I felt so blessed and full of love in my heart...and as I was daydreaming about it, I got onto the wrong elevator, and instead of going down, it went up. When the doors opened, there she was, Miep Gies, sitting in a chair, greeting people!! I knew I wasn't supposed to be there, but I figured, "Well, I'm here, so HELL YEAH I'm going to meet this woman!! I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!"

I did NOT even IMAGINE that she and I would have a 15 year correspondence and friendship. I just knew I would meet her, and I did, in November of 1994. I cried all the way home, I was so happy, and thrilled that she gave me her home address and encouraged me to write about her life story. My article about her life was later published by World War II magazine, in January 1999.

Then, when I walked into the Holocaust Museum for the very first time, I was struck by some kind of cosmic lightening in my heart, and I had an epiphany---I just KNEW I had to work there, and I had no idea HOW OR WHEN, but I just KNEW that I would get a job there. So, instead of driving down to Virginia Beach to find an apartment for me and my (then) Navy boyfriend, I turned around and drove BACK to Michigan, and within 3 weeks, I had quit both jobs, found a replacement roommate, wrapped up all loose ends and packed everything I owned, and on November 1, 1996, I was on my way to DC with $500 to my name. Six months later, I got the job, and I worked at that Museum for six years!!

So, whenever I get this kind of epiphany, I take it seriously...I mean, wouldn't you??

We really WILL get this dream house. I have no idea HOW or WHEN, I don't know any of the details that will transpire, but that is what is going to happen, very soon. Mark my words!!

If I am wrong, then I guess I'm wrong, but so far in my life, I haven't been wrong about this "dead bird sign" from the cosmos. So, stay tuned and maybe I'll have some awesome news about this dream house...GOD I WANT IT SO BAD!!

Love, Becky ps. I donated some money to help those in Haiti today, have you?? Please do!!

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