Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Six months to go...

Well, I am happy to report that all 25 centerpieces are finally DONE. YAYYY!!! I was getting rather sick of the darned things. Making the same exact thing over and over is like playing the same music from 5th grade on my flute over and over for the past 30 years of my life, stale and boring. But, I dragged my raggedy butt through it and they are finally all done.

The programs are mostly finished also, though I've only made 70 of them. Just have to decide the exact order of things, type it out, and glue the sheet onto the back of them. I probably should make 100, but we have yet to mail out the invitations, (which we are currently working on), so I don't know exactly how many people we'll have attending this shin-dig at this point. I think most people we have told about it are having some kind of morbid curiosity about the whole Gilligan theme thing, so I have a feeling we'll have MORE than 100 people there, and I'll betcha we could even start charging admission to get in!

So, my day consists of burning every finger on each hand with my glue gun...I can't even feel the pads of my fingers much anymore, dammit, that glue is HOT...and then, of course, running OUT of white ribbon, whereas I have a TON of the coral ribbon...and wouldn't you know it, I ran out of the coral flowers too, so I ended up making a centerpiece that is the opposite color scheme of all the rest, which I think I'll put on the mother's table. Gotta improvise sometimes!!

Saturday Pete and I are going to look at some houses with a real estate agent, and then we're off to another bridal show (our 4th one so far), to find a photographer. We are thinking about having MY mom move in with us too, because she has 20+ years of Home Care experience with the elderly, and I have NONE, so because she and Pete's mom hit it off so well over the holidays, I figure it might be a good idea to have her around to help out. But, if we do that, we'll need a bigger house. Hence, the dream house that I absolutely LOVE and wish we could have, but Pete found a house that HE likes a lot, which is $50K cheaper, so I will most likely lose out on the whole thing and have to move to a place I'm not exactly thrilled with. SIGH. But, it does have 7 bedrooms, so I guess that makes up for it being a "second choice." My dream house only has 4 bedrooms. But that YARD...and that POND...and that FOUNTAIN...I would just love living there, and I can't wait to take Florence there to see it soon.

Anyway, so the house hunt is starting, though we agreed we're NOT going to rush into anything until AFTER the wedding is over and done. I just can't deal with moving AND planning this thing AND being the Radar O'Reilly of the household, doing everything myself all the time. I've got a kitchen to paint...the cabinets are getting a nice coat of WHITE PAINT, (they are ugly right now, very outdated), and the PINK countertop which I loathe with a fiery passion is going to get a dose of LIQUID STAINLESS STEEL babyyyy, to match the appliances...that's about all the cosmetic stuff we can do to the place to make it look updated while we rent the place. I just want the house to look perfect when everybody is here in July for the wedding. Luckily the home owners have agreed to my idea of making these changes, AND they have already bought all the hardware to change, which is also silver/stainless steel. It should hopefully look sleek and clean and newer when I'm all done with it. I'll take "before" and "after" photos too.

We'll have 3 trees cut down, unfortunately, when spring comes, due to termites and carpenter ants that have eaten most of it. The danger is that if they eat much more of the tree, it will become weak as it dies, and could topple over onto the house. So, it's a bummer, but it has to be done. So sayeth the Terminix man.

Then the deck has to be power washed and re-stained to look spiffy for this swaree', (did I spell that right?) Ah well, my English major days in college have faded over time, I have no idea. Wait, is it spelled "soiree?" Hmmm....well, whatever...the red underline didn't appear, so maybe that's the right spelling. I'm looking at the red underline on the first version right now. It screams, "WRONG!" But, at this point, it's almost time for me to go to bed so I don't care.

Lots to do, lots to do. I won't know what to do with myself when this whole thing is over. Seriously, I'll be bored to death around here. But, if my mom moves in with us, I can then go back to work, haleluyah for that. Dammit, the red underline just showed up again under that haleluyah word. Crap. There it is again. "WRONG!" Ha....blogger.com only has a spell check that highlights the words that are wrong, but doesn't give you the correct spelling. LAME.

Pete and I have started going to work out at the gym again, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Hopefully something good will come of it, but I really want to try that Nutrisystem D for Type II Diabetics...or join Weight Watchers...or even Jenny Craig. But when I checked into those programs, I was annoyed that they are so expensive. BLEAH. But I think I need something more than just walking on a treadmill 3 times a week, or riding the bicycle thing. I'm not a fan of lifting weights though, just not my style. I'm too much of a girlie girl I guess. I don't want to look like a muscular freak in some kind of icky weight lifting competition. *SHIVER*

So we found some invitations that we are now going to print ourselves, and soon we'll be sending them out to all the schlubs who want to see Gilligan characters everywhere as they swim in a pool at the weirdest wedding they've ever attended in their lives. Should be interesting if nothing else.

Well fellas, it's almost Valentines Day......which most of my life has been a day I've hated, because I NEVER HAD A BOYFRIEND on that damned day. Not even ONCE...unless you count Peter in DC...but he wasn't really my "boyfriend," though. Just the closest thing I had at the time. He bought me a cherry necklace with rubies in it, which was the nicest thing I've ever received from a guy on Valentines Day in my whole life, until I met Pete. I want to do something nice for him, as a surprise, but I'm kinda stumped as to what I will choose. But, I already have a nice outfit to wear at least!! hehehe

Ah well, anyway, January is almost over and gone already, so there are only 5 more months left to get everything done for this wedding of ours. Good Lord, the amount of things I have to do just circles in my head round and round, making me dizzy and feeling overwhelmed...I hope I survive until then...I may just collapse as I see it all coming together for real when the day comes, having lived for the past year in the midst of glue sticks, ribbon, tulle, flowers, candles, garlands, and all that frilly fru fru crap that you gotta have for a wedding. Tripping over boxes full of Gilligan stuff, craft supplies, dragging my butt up and down the attic stairs to get more stuff when I run out...not sure where the heck to STORE everything I've made so far...yeah, this has been quite a year to say the least.

Well, that's all the news from my neck of the woods for now. Back to the perilous glue gun.

Love, Becky

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