Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Heading out to the west coast...

Well, much to my surprise, Pete is taking me WITH HIM to San Francisco this weekend!! He works for Apple Computers, so as you have probably heard by now, the new iPad is coming out April 3, (SELL THAT STOCK FOLKS! IT WILL BE WORTH A BUTTLOAD OF CASH!!), and they are having a "release party" celebration there at the Apple headquarters!!

Unfortunately, Steve Jobs is a poop. The whole thing is all so confidential that I am not allowed to attend the party, but hey, who cares!! I mean, DUDE! I've never been to San Francisco before, so I'm looking forward to it! I am sure I'll find SOMETHING to do while he's busy all day on Tuesday! (SHOPPING!!) hehehee

Actually, I do have tentative plans to meet a woman that I've corresponded with for many years, which will be very cool. We have been online buddies for---well, probably 20 years or so, give or take---and this is the first time we are meeting face-to-face. I've sent her Christmas cards each year, and newsletters, etc., so she knows what I look like, but I don't know what SHE looks like! Her name is Lora, and she worked for many years with my favorite band...(you know who), so yes yes yes, it will be awesome!! She's really the only SORT OF friend I have in all of San Francisco, so I figured it might be nice to say hello finally. She's really a great person!

We leave super early on Saturday morning---me, armed with my Dramamine, Valium, and ipod nano full of Journey tunes---hopefully I will survive the anxiety of flying that far on a plane. The last time I flew that far, it was from Washington DC to Hawaii, and lemmetellya folks, it took FOREVER, and I was a nervous wreck the whole time. Flying is NOT my favorite thing.

Anyway, I'm already packed---and thank GAWD for the vacuum bags that shrink clothing down to an inch thick, because wow, I don't know what the HECK to wear!! I just hope the hotel has a vacuum I can borrow to take it all back home with me!! hehehe We'll be staying there until Wednesday afternoon, at the Hilton no less! Pete is taking me on a tour of the whole city, maybe even Alcatraz----if not this time, we'll definitely see that in July on the honeymoon! And of course, all the touristy stuff, and museums, etc., whatever we can cram into 5 days. Pete also wants to take me to a COMIC BOOK CONVENTION of all things---the man is such a kid sometimes----yes, he collects comic books, and please, spare me the "40 year old Virgin" jokes, I've pretty much told them to everyone myself already! hehehe

So, Saturday the agenda is, get up at 4 a.m. (GADZOOKS THE MAN IS INSANE), get to the airport and leave at 7:30 a.m., stay as calm as possible during the flight, squeeze Pete's hand until his knuckles turn white on take-off, then listen to tunes, think about other things, ignore the turbulence, pray for a safe landing---all that fun stuff---GGAAAAA---and then, arrive in San Francisco around 10:30 a.m. their time...(1:30 p.m. our time). Then, I'm off to TAKE A NAP!! Yes, the first thing I wanna do when I get there is CRASH ONTO THE HOTEL BED AND SNOOZE!! After that, we'll get something to eat, then go out for the evening to a club Pete knows, called The Citadel. Should be interesting. My kinda place!! hehehehe

Then, Sunday is the infamous comic book convention of course---will our hero get to meet the Batman, or will he be lucky enough to meet WONDER WOMAN?!--tune in next week to find out---and who knows what else we'll have time to do or see, and then Monday we're taking a tour of the city, and Tuesday I'm on my own all day long, (mmmuuuuhahahaha), and then we leave Wednesday afternoon. We get back home at midnight! WHEW. I hope I get some R&R while I'm there, I really could use summadat.

These past couple of weeks around here have been CRAP. My mom arrived a few weeks ago, just in time to witness my FAILING HEALTH ISSUES. Yeah, you guessed it, I have been sick, with the coughing CRUD, and I can't seem to shake it even NOW...I've had it for about a month! I do have 5 more days of antibiotic left, so that oughta kick it in the butt. Let's hope.

Then my doctor said I should try something new. I started taking some medication called Victoza, an injectable needle thing, which is a brand new one that supposedly helps people control their Diabetes and lose weight...and um...well, if you don't mind being in the BATHROOM the whole time, (I lost 10 pounds in two weeks), and vomiting too...oh yes, that was fun...then I guess you should try it. Bulimia, however, is not exactly my idea of being healthy. So my doctor became as alarmed as I did, and told me to discontinue the use of it immediately. SIGHHHH.

Now I'm back on the ole Glipizide, which makes you GAIN weight, and that is a crock if you ask me. Diabetes only goes away if you LOSE weight, but if the damned doctors and pharmaceutical companies can keep you hooked on a drug that makes you GAIN weight, you'll never outgrow it, nor will it ever go away---the money grubbin' bastages. They just love to keep you hooked in order to make money and that peeves me in a huge way. I'm dreading looking like a big fat cow on my wedding day, but I'm screwed. I just hope the dress fits me. SIGH.

So after all THAT, then of course, my wonderful monthly FIEND...(friend)...decides to pay me a visit. GAAAAAAA!! If it ain't one thing, it's another. But the bright side is, after all these ailments, I should be FINE for this trip, dang it all. If I'm not, somebody's head is gonna roll!!

After we return from SF, then I have 10 days until my trip to Michigan with my momma. We are going there to retrieve her dog, and more clothes, maybe her dresser and some other items. She's going to move in with us and help take care of Florence, at least through the month of July, possibly permanently. Also, my friend Laurie is throwing me a bridal shower while I am there, plus I want to try on my wedding dress and all that frilly fru-fru girly stuff. So, it will be a busy month. I still have wedding projects to finish though, so I am going to have to kick it into high gear around here when I get back from all this trapezing around the planet.

The good news of late: the 120 coconut cups that I purchased from Oriental Trading Company (which you cannot DRINK OUT OF due to toxic substances---stupid eh? They also put a STRAW HOLE in each one, but what the hell good is THAT?!)...well, they are not a bust as I thought they would be---for awhile I was extremely bummed. What the heck does a person DO with 120 coconut cups if you can't use them to drink out of?!! Talk about having a conniption FIT...the panic, ohhhh the panic of wedding day anxiety enveloped me, whatever will I DO?!!

Well, I thought about hot gluing a votive candle in the center of them to put around the pavilion as decoration, and my mom suggested stringing them up by the straw hole as a garland. Not bad, really...rather creative, and useful too. But, I really REALLY wanted to have people drink out of them, like they did on Gilligan's Island. So, I was determined to glue some kind of cup inside each one--I even bought two different sizes of cups, small and large. You'd THINK that would work, right?!! WRONG!! Unfortunately, coconuts don't all come in the same damned SIZE, for some annoying reason, (CURSE YOU MOTHER NATURE!), and so most of those cups didn't work very well at all. GRRRR!!

Yesterday though, I found some clear plastic TUMBLERS!! And hey whatdayaknow, they work PERFECTLY!! So I'm now hot gluing spanish moss on the inside of the coconut, all around the tumbler, (so nobody will take the thing home with them and try to drink out of it later on, poisoning themselves, which would really suck), and once they are done, that should make the whole project look good AND be practical for use. YAYYY!! I just love happy endings!! My wedding day is SAVED!! Talk about a relief. (Yes I am being sarcastic).

That's the scoop from my world of poop fellas. Have a good Easter weekend, don't eat too many jelly beans, and for GAWD's sake, don't let the chocolate bunny melt in all this hot weather we're supposed to have....yes, Saturday in Pittsburgh it is supposed to hit 80 degrees. In San Francisco, however, it will only be FIFTY SEVEN. GRRRRRR!!! What a ripoff!! I just can't win.

Anyway, bye for now, and enjoy the long weekend. I will be sure to take lots of pictures to upload when we return!!

Love, Becky ps. Please Please Please God, let me at least get a GLIMPSE of Steve Perry while I'm there, he's the only OTHER person I sort-of "know" in that city...that would be AWESOME!

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