Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Going to Michigan

Well, Pete and I had a BLAST in San Francisco!! In fact, I didn't want to leave, and I actually wouldn't mind LIVING there someday! It is AWESOME!! Pete took me to a comic book convention where I met several celebrities, which was pretty cool. I got to meet Lindsay Wagner, (the 6 million dollar woman....I told her I want a sleep number bed and she autographed a photo for me), the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld, (he was selling ladels that he autographed), Lou Farigno, (the original "Hulk"), and the chick who played Susan Ivanava on Babylon 5 (her first name is Christina I think, and Pete liked her best)!

But my FAVORITE one was Kathy Garver who played "Cissy" on the 1970's show "Family Affair," with Buffy and Jodi, Mr. French, and Mrs. Beasley!! That used to be one of my FAVORITE shows as a kid! I told her I had one of those Mrs. Beasley dolls when I was a kid, and somewhere along the way of growing up, I lost her, but Pete bought me an original for my birthday! She agreed that Mrs. Beasley is awesome, and we decided it's because she was the FIRST "old lady" doll ever, and "took care of" the little girls who owned her, which is why she was so popular. I mentioned that they should still be popular because today kids really have a tough life. She was so nice, and even gave me her card with phone number and address, etc., and encouraged me to send email! AND, she said one of her closest friends is DAWN WELLS, who played "Mary Ann" on Gilligan's Island!! OMG!! I had to send her an email about that, and about the wedding!! Wouldn't that be AWESOME if she actually showed up?! hehehehehe (I know, I know, that's impossible, and YES I'm a dork, but what the heck, I invited them both)!!

Anyway, Fisherman's Wharf was my favorite place, I watched the sea lions for 2 hours, fascinated by them...I have never seen one up close like that, much less anywhere else except a zoo or on t.v., so I really LOVED that. It's definitely a tourist trap, but I enjoyed walking around and enjoying the most awesome clam chowder I've ever had in my whole life! I rode a trolley from downtown by Union Square, and back again, and even videotaped myself on it! (Pete was attending his Apple "iPad release party," all day long, so I ventured out on my own for a whole day! Got a little sunburned, but had fun)! I will upload some photos next time.

No, unfortunately we didn't make it to Lombard Street, or Alcatraz, etc, because we were only there 4 days. We will do more of that stuff next time, in July for two weeks, on our honeymoon. We also rode a "Ducks" amphibious vehicle, for a tour of the city and of the Bay Bridge, and a peek at the Golden Gate (which we didn't really get to see much of this time), but we got to DRIVE the boat as it got onto the water! That was fun! The coolest thing was, they also played loud music while we rode around, and "Lights" by Journey came on. I squealed and said, "Take me to Steve Perry's house!" (the captain said, "Don't know where he lives, but I could take you to where Green Day lives!") But I passed on that. A funny side note, when I typed in our hotel location and the name Steve Perry on my GPS that is on my iPhone, I got ONE BLOCK AWAY, which blew my mind...but I was too chicken to really go check it out. hehehehe I am sure the GPS was wrong.

Tomorrow, however, I am on the road to Michigan, for my official bridal shower, and to try on my dress. I really HOPE to high heaven that my best friend Laurie was pulling my leg when she said that the woman altering my dress doesn't have it finished yet, and might have to bring her sewing machine with her THE DAY BEFORE THE WEDDING to finish it. I nearly hyperventilated, instantly panicked. If she's NOT joking, I will just take it back to Pittsburgh and have somebody else finish the damned thing, because that is just totally unacceptable.

So anyway, I am bringing my mom and Pete's mom along, so that my mom can get more of her belongings and her dog back to the 'burgh, and to give Florence a chance to meet everybody. We are staying until Monday morning. Should be a fun trip overall, despite my panic.

So that's all for now, but I will be back next week to add more fun stuff to this blog for ya'll. (I refuse to speak Pittsburgh language of "Yinz," just because this place is LAME compared to San Francisco! I mean, the whole place is in an uproar now because of Santonio Holmes being kicked off the Steelers team due to drug usage, and now Rothlesberger is probably going to be suspended too, because of all the allegations of rape that have been popping up lately. If he goes, the whole team might as well retire. But, all I know is, who the F&#@! CARES?!!! (The answer is, the entire population of crazy Pittsburgh sports nuts that scare the hell outta me)!

Tomorrow is also the official "Days of Remembrance Ceremony" at the Museum in DC. Every year when I worked there, I volunteered to work inside the Capitol Building Rotunda, in the same room as VIPs, Congressmen, Senators, and the President who came to give a speech. I miss that, it was one of the exciting highlights of working there, to honor the victims and the Survivors of the Holocaust. In less than five or ten years from now, they will all be gone. Usually I light a candle and say some prayers, but since I will be in the minivan driving all day, I will just have to send up some silent prayers and skip the candle. Go to www.ushmm.org for information about a live webcast of the ceremony, from 11:30-12:30 EST. Send up prayers for all the Survivors, asking God to bless them more than every other human on earth, for all they endured during their lifetimes, and pray also that it never happens again.
See ya later, gators...until next time.

Love, Becky, your favorite panicked Bridezilla

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