Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Good God it's MAY already...

Chaos ensues in my wickedly crazed life, and I find myself only 10 weeks away from the nuptials. That may SEEM like a long time to YOU, dear reader, but to ME, that is like TOMORROW with all the stuff yet to be created and/or finished. I do see some progress being made though, and I am hoping that I will get it all done before July 1. It will be a miracle, but I still hope.

We had a massive yard sale with our friend Lisa last weekend, and those people in her neighborhood were like VULTURES. I've never seen such a bizarre vulture-like reaction to tables full of useless junk before, in my entire LIFE. I mean, the start time for this shin-dig was 9 a.m., but people were there at 8:30, before anything of ours was even priced and unpacked from boxes in the minivan!! Lisa kept yelling, "We open at NINE O'CLOCK! Come back in a half hour!" But I kept countering with a side comment, "What would you like to buy?!" I didn't care if it was a half hour early, I was all ready to deal.

They were asking us left and right how much each item was, I mean there had to be at least 75 people there ALL MORNING, it was crowded, it was noisy, Pete had all the money so I kept running back and forth to get change, helping people load stuff into their cars, etc., and before we could even unfold our folding chairs to sit down and leisurely drink our liquid-CRACK from McDonalds (ohhhh yes, iced coffee...it truly IS liquid crack my friends, trust me, and it's GOOOOOOOD!!!), we were nearly SOLD OUT of EVERYTHING WE HAD before NOON!!

We waited until about 1:30 before we decided we had nothing more of any value to sell, and nobody else really seemed interested. So, we packed up the folding tables, the folding chairs, and the little things I ended up buying from OTHER yard sale people who were also there (5 of us got together, friends of Lisa's), and off we went into the wild blue yonder, with over $300 bucks in cash.

Ya just can't beat that with a stick.

And I mean, we were giving stuff away dirt cheap! Pete sold 6 out of 7 auto tires, (very good condition, but the wrong size for any of our cars), for $5 bucks each!! You should have seen the MEN drooling over those, it was hysterical. Silly silly men. But anyway, so the whole thing was a huge success, and we plan to do it again later this fall. Other than the scorching SUNBURN that I came away with, it was quite a good sale. (I never remember sunscreen, silly me).

So then I called my friend Barbara in Baltimore who was having a house-warming party that evening. We had originally figured that we wouldn't be able to make it with the yard sale going on, but since it ended much earlier than we thought it would, we took off to Baltimore and attended her party, which made her very happy. We stayed overnight, and then took Pete into the Inner Harbor area to show him around. He had never been there before, so it was fun. The first place I made him go was the ESPN Zone restaurant---now, I am not a huge sports kinda person, like most everybody in Pittsburgh is, but I've told him repeatedly that if I opened a franchise of ESPN Zone in Pittsburgh, we'd be filthy stinking RICH. He had never heard of it. When he took a tour of the place, however, he agreed.

So, I figure, nothing ventured nothing gained, and I talked to a manager to ask how to go about doing just that. The answer caused me to crinkle up my nose and forget the whole blasted idea: "You have to contact DISNEY, because they own ESPN." DAMMIT TO HELL!!! I really LOATHE Walt Disney with a red-hot fiery passion unbridled, because the man was a NAZI SUPPORTER. I don't want to give that dead beat loser idiot Nazi ONE THIN DIME. No friggin' WAY. I don't buy his movies, I don't go to his amusement parks, and I don't even like Mickey Mouse because the character started out as being a very racist concept. NO THANKS ESPN ZONE. So, alas, I will pass on being filthy rich. But hey, if any of you readers out there think it's worth doing, GO FOR IT---but please, if I may ask so humbly, donate some of your riches to the Holocaust Museum, just to help balance things and right the wrong of history. Okey dokey?

So we toured that place first, and then we walked to the main area to ride a "Water Taxi." It's just a tourist boat that takes you from one area of the harbor to another, all day long. We traveled over to Fells Point, where they used to film the t.v. show "Homicide" in the 1990's. Pete found a comic book shop, where they sold us a "Talking Betty Boop" doll. Cool, eh? Well, yes, it WOULD be cool if the damned thing actually WORKED. (GRRRRR...stupid me, I asked for the "Pittsburgh Discount," and of course the guy selling that stuff figured we'd be suckers). They always get the out-of-towners like that, those damned tourist traps. So, now we're stuck with a huge doll that doesn't friggin' say ANYTHING. Rotten bastages.

But the ice cream at Maggie Moo's was awesome, and we found a HAT store----oh my GAWD how I love HATS!! I love hats almost as much as SHOES!! I tried on one of those 1920's style hats that women used to wear then, and I looked SO CUTE!! I really want to dress that way. I mean, I would love to wear gloves and dresses, and hats....I was totally born in the wrong decade I think. SIGH. Pete chuckled at me and said, "You could get away with it in San Francisco ya know." And heyyyyy, that would be FUN...but we didn't buy the hat. Dang it.

Other than that, we headed back after walking around a bit, and then we had to leave for home. I took a bunch of pictures while we were there, so I'll have to upload them off my iPhone and put some on this blog at some point soon. I just don't seem to ever have much TIME to do that lately, with all this wedding stuff. You should see our house, it's super cluttered and clogged with wedding stuff all over the place---I really can't stand it. At first, as I started making stuff, I thought, "Aww, that looks so nice sitting there..." but NOW, holy CRAP, I'm sick of looking at it all. SERIOUSLY, this damned wedding is crowding us all out of each room, day by day.

I've got vases full of silk flowers all over the place, tall ones, short ones, you name it...and I have plastic bins stacked up in the corner of the living room full of glue guns, glue sticks, scissors, and other craft supplies...plus bags full of tulle, ribbon, plastic bottles with corks, (those are for the "Message in the Bottle" prize giveaways in our treasure chest of Gilligan items), and boxes FULL of white bucket hats, mugs, t-shirts, sweatshirts, dolls, etc., coming out of our EARS because Pete is an Ebay addict. There are even empty toilet paper rolls laying around everywhere that I have to paint brown, cut in half, glue together in a square shape, and hot glue some twine on each corner, to look like bamboo picture frames. (Lightweight). I've been putting fun photos of the Gilligan characters in them, to hang all around the place.

So now the fun part begins...clearing out the clutter, getting things organized and ready, and staged in the garage. We cleaned out half the garage with the yard sale, haleluyah, but it will soon be FILLED again with all this stuff I've got around here. We've bought new cushions for all the patio furniture on the deck--and this is a 3-sided wrap-around deck, so there are lots of chairs and stuff everywhere. Since we're having the rehearsal dinner here, I figured we needed an upgrade from the old worn out cushions that the homeowners left behind. Most of the furniture belongs to them, but they left it here for us to use. My mom and Florence have been busy helping me, too--together they've made 8 flower boxes (plastic terra-cotta rectangle boxes from the Dollar Store, with fake flowers and styrofoam glued in), so that we can decorate the railing of the deck WITHOUT attracting BEES, since I am allergic to them and don't want to get stung the day before the friggin' wedding. That would royally suck the big dog.

Pete and Nathan have been tasked with the "fun" part---power-washing and re-staining the entire deck. I hope they start doing that SOON too, it's going to take at least a couple weeks to do it. Then there's the lawn, mowing and trimming all the shrubs, growing some new flowers, decorating the deck with garlands and making the metal 8 foot tall arch all pretty, and basically we have to just keep making the whole place inside and out look "super-spiffy" until July 18th. After that, the whole place can collapse into ruins for all I care. I'll be off to San Francisco!!

Pete just finalized our travel plans, so we're staying there for TWELVE DAYS this time!! YAY! I'm so geeked! The hotel has a pool again, which is cool, and it's right downtown by Union Square again too. We are going to take a cruise to Alcatraz, and to see the Golden Gate Bridge up close, and we're going to ride a "Go-Car" down Lombard Street (IF we can fit our fat carcasses IN those tiny yellow cars), and we'll go to some museums (the Jewish Contemporary Museum is first on MY list), and then we'll putz around and do whatever else we can think of. It's going to be a fun time, and I'm really jazzed to have all that time to ourselves for ONCE.

Pete signed us up recently to join that "Direct Buy" thing that is advertised all the time. We don't even own a HOUSE yet, but he used to be a member of it with his previous wife and they let him renew his membership for dirt cheap, so what the heck, we decided to go for it. Now, if and when we DO get a house, we can actually start to upgrade our stuff and still save money. Then we attended a "Simplicity Gourmet" thing last night, (those damned bridal shows have our names and email addresses, sending us invitations to the wackiest stuff), but we ended up being suckers yet again because we bought pots and pans and cutlery, just to get the free trips to Cancun and another one to anywhere in the US!! hehehehe (Yep, they really saw us coming). But hey, what the heck, we like to travel. I've only been to Tijuana once, and it was lame, so I hope Cancun is better. Not sure where we'll go on the US trip, but who cares, it's all FREE!!

Soooo, I still don't have my wedding dress yet, and I'm starting to really freak out about it. She said it would take TWO MORE WEEKS, and we have now passed that time frame, so I'm about ready to go buy a different dress and just be done with it. Very disappointing. Pete and I have also signed up to one of those "Biggest Loser" contests with a bridal shop here in Pittsburgh that gives tons of wedding prizes for whichever couple loses the most weight before their wedding day. So, if I lose a bunch of weight, I won't even NEED the dress, I'll just wear a friggin' BIKINI to this thing. (Note: I have never in my entire LIFE worn a bikini). So that would be a real victory for me!!

That seems to be pretty much all the news from this neck of the woods. I've decided that our first dance song will, of course, be "Faithfully" by Journey----the first time I heard that song I cried like a baby, and I knew THEN that it would someday be my first dance wedding song. But now I also want the "I love you" song by Climax Blues Band as my #2 song...so we'll have to incorporate that one somehow. THAT song gives me chills up and down my body every time I hear it...what a sappy sod I am...but hey, I'm just a girl, what can I say? I love that sappy shit.

We're putting together music CD's, we're trying to find a steel drum band, we've got the cake(s) sorted out and will order them soon, we're working on a menu for the rehearsal dinner, we want to send out reminder invitations for guests to bring their bathing suits and a beach towel, Pete wants to rent a gorilla costume for Nathan to wear, so he can run around growling and tossing people into the pool, (does the word FIASCO come to your mind like it does to mine?!), and we have a surprise for everyone regarding who will be doing the ceremony, plus I've got bolts of vinyl for table cloths to cut, and lots of other decorations to make still. It will most likely be a whirlwind during these next weeks, (PLUS the fact that Pete is taking me to CAMP again, where we first met, because we skipped going last year). That is happening the first week in June, so my 10 weeks of preparation have now been whittled down to NINE....but hey, it's BDSM CAMP!! WHO CARES!! YAYYY!! Campity camp camp everybody!! WOO HOOOO!!

So, this blog entry MIGHT be one of a FEW that I get a chance to write between now and the wedding. Please bear with me and be patient, I'll do my best to check in and update ya'll. Not sure if I'll be able to add many pictures yet, but I'll try.

Pete and I had a bit-of-a-tiff the other night, because we didn't have enough nooky over the weekend, to his liking. Well HELLO, we had a friggin' yard sale, and then a trip to Baltimore overnight, so who the heck had TIME for that stuff?! I mean come ON...he's being rather unrealistic, and I'm too overwhelmed and frazzled, being on the go so much, having no time to sit and think, no time to relax, no time to figure out what needs to be done next...my brain just shuts down when I'm overwhelmed, and I can't accomplish ANYTHING, much LESS think about sex. Cripes and bejeezus, I'm really quite the NYMPHO compared to his previous two wives!! So we had a long discussion about it and we're trying to set aside some "alone time" more often. It's just hard to do with 5 adults all living in one house. Too much going on all the time.

Plus my stupid medications kinda damper the whole sex drive thing, much to our dismay. The answer is to lose as much weight as I can, so that I can get RID of this Type 2 Diabetes and high blood pressure, stop taking those medications, and THEN get jiggy with it all the time. But until then, and until this wedding is over and done, we have to compromise, and budget our time better...we're still learning how to live together and come up with a nice daily routine that makes us both happy, so it is going to take some adjusting and some patience.

As this wedding gets closer, I have a fear that tensions will be high and we'll have many other spats and bickering and aggravation....but hopefully I won't turn into a Bridezilla and cause everyone grief...I make no promises folks, but I will definitely try hard NOT to. I just hope my whole head doesn't just explode from all this stuff going on. Luckily Pete decided to give us a whole day AFTER the wedding to just vegitate and sleep and unpack and unload all the stuff we decorated with, and the food that's left over, etc., and we'll leave on Tuesday the 20th for San Francisco. So that is a relief.

Anyway, that's the scoop from the Pittsburgh world of poop. The big news around here is Rothelesburger (sp?) being a total douche, they now have t-shirts with Tiger Woods standing next to Big Ben with the words "Dumb and Dumber" on it. hehehehehe Ya gotta love it. Everybody is giving away their Big Ben stuff on freecycle too...the poor schlub is now becoming as unpopular as he was being the most popular player on the Steelers team. The fall from grace is really sad to watch though. Makes me shake my head, wondering why men never learn. I mean, don't they have secret MEETINGS about this stuff?! You would think they would.

Ok folks, I'm tired out and ready for bed. Have a good week, and I'll write again as soon as I can find a few minutes. I might try to add some photos soon too. Bye for now!

Love, Becky

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