Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Yes!! They finally arrived!! We had so much fun doing this photo shoot!! Hope you like 'em. Pete is making our guest book with 'em. Enjoy!! (I am choosing some of the favorites, but we have over 750 of 'em).

Homage to the Blues Brothers, with the skyline of Pittsburgh behind us...

Ya just gotta LOVE the Gilligan theme!! We had fun doing these!! We are giving away these t-shirts and sweatshirts and hats at the wedding too!

This is one of my favorites. I hope my lily-white legs didn't blind you!! (Noooo, I'm NOT wearing white tights). I'm just un-tan-able!!!!

Ain't we a couple of silly sappy fools?!! hehehe Yes. Yes we are. But we look good together!

We had a blast doing these...talk about being HAMS...sheesh...but it was funny though.

We are so silly sometimes!!

Ya just gotta love Thurston Howell...

Yes I must always kiss the hand whenever I need money...LOL!! (I do other things for it too, but I'll leave that up to your naughty imagination!!) WINK!!

Ahhhh yes, what's a bunch of engagement pictures without a little bit of smarmy kissin'?

Well, there ya go. These are just a few of my favorites. The rest will be a surprise!! Hope to see you all at the wedding!! Won't be long now...holy CRAP it's right around the corner! AUGHH!!

Love, Becky

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