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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Finally!! PHOTOS!!

Okay, FINALLY, here are some photos for you! This first one is the coolest wedding hat/veil I've ever seen. I got it in San Francisco, and it's the most unique thing I've found to wear on my head---and you all KNOW how I don't wanna be like everybody ELSE---so I just HADDA get it. I am getting conflicting reviews from friends and family about it though, so I'm not 100% sure I'm actually going to wear it. I guess I won't really know what I'm going to wear on my head until the day of the wedding. It all depends on how it looks with the dress, and how HOT it is outside too!
But, I do have other options....like this one, which I made myself. I tried putting my short hair up to see what it might look like the day of the wedding...I'm kinda thinkin' I should stay with the hair down, and/or wear a friggin' wig. Sigh. My hair really got scorched with that perm, and I had to get it all cut off. What a bummer. It took me nearly a year to grow it down to my shoulders, and I really liked it. I just wanted a little "body wave" action, but it didn't work out.

This veil turned out pretty, but it's not really "me." It's a bit too "traditional" I guess, and I'm the farthest person you could ever call "traditional" in any sense of the word!! So, it's back to the drawing board...(these are also being shown in the order of price...the top hat being the most expensive).

The next one is rather simple, and so far, apparently everyone I know seems to like it best:

I took this photo in the bathroom mirror. Much to my dismay, you can see the Betty Boop clothes hamper on the left!! I confess, the "bun" in my hair is actually one of those "pony tail holder" things that is made of fake hair...to make it LOOK like I didn't get all mine chopped off. I can't TELL YOU just how bummed I am about my stupid hair. I really wanted it to look good on the wedding day, but alas, it just won't. This flower in my hair is attached to a simple headband, and I got it at the mall. There's really not much to it, but I do like it.

Florence wanted me to get a TIARA of all things...EGAD...so I bought one from a wedding craft store, but I returned it. A tiara, unfortunately, is just not "me" either. I'm nowhere NEAR the type of chick who wants to be a princess!! But I did wear THIS one around another store the whole time I was in it...this was actually the prettiest tiara I found, but did NOT buy...(the price was ridiculous). But I loved the pearls all over it...I'd rather have pearls than rhinestone or "diamond" bling on my head. Look how ODD it looks on me though!! Just doesn't work.

And finally....this hat is actually an antique from a flea market that we attended in Rogers Ohio. It's from the 1950's or 1960's, and it's called a "bird cage" wedding veil. I made a rather "snarky" cringe-face in this photo, but it's really quite pretty. I just don't think it's "me," at all. Looks rather like a bloated, lacey, yamulka with mesh around it. hehehehe

So go ahead and vote on YOUR favorite, I don't mind. Be brutally honest about it too, I need all the help I can get!! (I have a gut feeling that it's going to be the third one). But who knows. I may change my mind a hundred times before July 18th arrives.

Now, THIS hat is awesome...I found it at a hat shop in Baltimore last weekend, and HAD to try it on...I think it's really cool, but of course, I wouldn't wear it to the wedding. I don't really know if I would wear it anyplace, but I WISH I could....it's very cool....kinda 1920's style!! And I actually look NICE in it, too....just wish my hair was longer...that would look really pretty. I am such a sucker for hats...and shoes...and all that frilly fru-fru girly crap!!

For a few months now, I've been waiting and chewing my fingernails in anxious impatience to get my altered wedding dress back from the seamstress in Michigan, and hopefully by the middle of next week I will have it...but in the meantime, I wandered like an idiot into the nearest "David's Bridal" store, and got AMBUSHED by the 20-something Barbie Doll employee who dragged me to a dressing room and made me try this one on....

As you can see by my face and body language, it wasn't exactly my style...I mean it looks OKAY I guess, but I felt like somebody threw a white sheet over me and draped it over my bodacious bazoomba's in quite a messy haste...like a toga gone wrong or something. I think it's the "Scarlett O'Hara" drapery dress kind of thing that turns me off about it. Maybe they DID rip it off the curtain rod before I got there, who knows. But the BACK had the corset-style closure, and I loved that part.

I was just trying to escape this bridal place FAST because it gave me the CREEPS being in that store. I just felt like it was dysfunctional, because of COURSE all the OTHER Barbie Doll employees had to gather around and gush all over me with their smarmy "Ohhh it's so PRETTY on you" fake bullshit sales pitch....my stomach was nauseous. I said, "I've waited 42 YEARS for this wedding day, and I don't quite think this dress is the one for me." Their fake smiles faded and they disappeared, so I ran out the door as fast as I could. WHEW.

THIS next photo is the actual dress that I bought in June of last year, when Pete first proposed to me...and I got it at the Goodwill store for $75 bucks!!! Ya just can't beat that with a stick folks. I mean, I'm gonna wear it, what, maybe 3 or 4 hours?! What the HELL is the point of paying a billion majillion dollars for a dress you'll wear less than an 8 hour work day, ONCE in your life?? Seems stupid to me, and I'm just too damned practical for that crap.

So here it is....pretty, huh? I have no CLUE how "outdated" it might be in the fashion world of wedding-ry, but ya know what? I don't really give a rat's ass either. I just felt pretty in it, and it has "bling" on the top part, and a pretty Cinderella skirt that really does flatter me MUCH better than that other thing I tried on. Now, keep in mind, this one is also being altered...but it's a secret as to HOW! I will just say that it WILL have the corset back that I love! The rest you'll just have to wait for!

Though I really hate to give away some of the cool stuff about the wedding, I'll go ahead and give you a teaser...one of the first things you're going to see when you walk in the door of the pavillion is this, which will be placed in front of the pool...(kinda sets the tone of the whole thing, don'tcha think?!!)I made this myself, out of a huge cardboard box with another box on top of it. A little brown paint, some spanish moss, a few silk flowers, and some white posterboard--that's all it took! I also found some short "tiki torches" at the dollar store to hot glue onto the sides of it!! hehehe

Oh hey, here's a good one of Pete and I, in San Francisco on the "Ducks" amphibious vehicle, riding on the Bay...we're going to include this one in our guestbook that Pete is making. We are waiting to get the engagement photos back soon, and once we have them Pete will assemble everything that we want in the book and have it made at an online publishing company. I can't wait to see the finished project!! I really think it's going to be cool. And UNIQUE!!

Oh yeah, and there's definitely going to be a TIKI BAR at the reception too....something like this, (a display in my favorite craft store), but without the 2 stools in front of it. I LOVE IT!!

And though I haven't quite ordered the wedding cake yet, I am getting it from Sam's Club, and I found a couple ideas for decorating...I just hope they can do it....it's either going to be like this one....(but instead of teal, it will be a peachy orange-ish color for my wedding)....

Or, it might end up being like this one...which is also very pretty, but not as ornate....I like the lacey look, and if you can imagine it on a peachy-orange-ish colored cake, I think that would be REALLY pretty...so, it's a toss-up as to what they will do for me, and not charge an arm and a leg. I think we'll only need 2 tiers, instead of the three pictured here. I want to have other desserts besides cake, so I'm thinkin' chocolate strawberries, and mini coconut cream pies!! (What's a Gilligan reception if you don't have coconut cream pies?!) I mean SERIOUSLY!!!

So, there are some pictures for you to peruse for awhile. I will add more soon, but this should give you some idea of how Bridezilla I am becoming, day by day....only NINE MORE WEEKS before this shin-dig is happening, so I'm going bonkers trying to finish everything.

Well, I'm off to bed now, it's about 12:30 a.m. and I'm pooped. Hope you all had a nice Mother's Day weekend! We took our mom's out for dinner at Olive Garden, and gave them some presents. They seemed to enjoy it all very much.

Bye for now!!

Love, Becky

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