Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Monday, May 17, 2010

You may be wondering where the heck the backgrounds are located that we have in our engagement photos. So, last weekend Pete and I drove to those locations and took more photos of the surrounding areas, to give it some kind of context for everyone.

The "cabin" area is located at this site...within the South Park area in Pittsburgh PA...

I have no clue what it means, a "whiskey rebellion site," but okay, the Miller's were wild party animals I guess. This next one shows you the red door that we stood in front of, which is the Miller's main house from 1772...

I have no idea what's inside, the place is locked up, but we liked the red door a lot.

This gazebo is where we had some of the photos taken but you can't see the pillars very well in the engagement photos at all, so we figured we would include some photos like this too.

This photo is of the bridge where we stood in our Gilligan hats with the captain's wheel...

And this photo is of the rock formation area in South Park, where we sat on one of them...

So there you have it, Pittsburgh's own version of "Stonehenge!" heehee

Anyway, just wanted to include some of the backgrounds where we were, so that the photos make more sense. Of course, a lot of the photos were first taken at the Overlook area, in the heart of the downtown area. I love the Pittsburgh skyline!

I've been scrambling to get more projects done, and tomorrow I will finish the archway that I started yesterday. Due to the rain, I skipped finishing it today. But, it looks really nice, according to my mom and Florence, so I'll take their word for it!

Only two weeks until camp!! WOOHOO!! I just want to make sure I get a lot of the little stuff finished before we go away, just so I don't sit around worrying about it while I'm there.

Only six weeks left before the wedding at that point ya know!! AAAUUGGHHHH!!

Bye for now...
Love, Becky

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