Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Friday, June 25, 2010


Last night, after having worked all week long (15-18 hours each day) on wedding stuff, I decided as I lay in the bathtub full of bubbles, that enough was enough. I declared today "NO WEDDING CRAP" day, and took the whole day OFF. I did not move boxes full of frilly fru-fru down from the attic (like I did yesterday), clogging up the entire upper hallway...I did not go to our crammed-full garage to move things around and get organized, (like I did yesterday), tripping over stuff and wondering how FUN it would be to hobble down the aisle on friggin' CRUTCHES....nope, today was slack-off-and-have-fun day, dammit!!

So, as you all know by now, I am a horrible addict...just terrible...I am addicted to FREECYCLE. Yes, I check that damned email alert every 15 minutes, as they pop up, because more people add stuff they don't want anymore, and hope to RE-cycle it for FREE. (Get it)?! Oh my GAWD people, it's better than treasure hunting at thrift stores!! I mean HOLY BALLS!! It's all FREE for cripe's sake!! Over the past 6 months that I have been freecycling, I have managed to get a free dining room hutch, a free dining room sideboard, (and whatdayaknow, they MATCH), a free big fluffy arm chair and ottoman, (that matches the pillows on my sofa), a free recliner loveseat that matches my sage-green furniture, free blue carpeting for the covered porch area, a free PIANO even, and today, I went out of my way almost to the airport to pick up free white wedding ribbons, (14 of them), and an aisle runner---AND, the chick threw in 2 awesome "Build-A-Bear" teddy bears wearing bride and groom attire! How cool is THAT?! Florence LOVES those bears, and that store, she's got 2 bears already and wants to buy them clothes!! When she saw those two bears, she was geeked beyond belief. I told the chick that she just made an 88 year old woman's whole WEEK happy with those things.

Anyway, so then we drove to Lane Bryant to get some bra's....(they are the only ones that fit me, and last longer than a few washings before the elastic wears out)...and I saved $248 BUCKS with this sale, so I did the happy dance a few times before leaving the store...and then we had a nice lunch (my mom, Florence and I), at Denny's....(I know!! Unbelievable, huh)?! It has really changed a lot, that place, since the last time I'd been there. Not as bad as it used to be!!

So then we drove home, and Pete surprised me by leaving work early so that we could go to Sandcastle, the local water amusement park! He bought season passes for us a couple weeks ago, so we decided to take off and enjoy the whole afternoon! But....alas....we arrived at 5:00 p.m., thinking the place would be open at LEAST until 9:00 or so....but nooooooo, the stupid place closed at SIX O'CLOCK P.M. What a ripoff!! But, we rode down the lazy river, and swam in the regular pool awhile, having fun in the water fall awhile. Then we thought, "Hey let's go to the wave pool..." but when we got there, it was CLOSED, and it was only 5:30!! Some lady nearby said, "Somebody POOPED in there, so they closed it down." EWWWWW!!! It reminded me of the South Park episode where the kids learned that 90% of all the "water" at the "water" park was actually PEE...yeah, that was funny when you weren't AT the water park.

So, I figured, "let's get ice cream before we leave." So Pete changed his clothes while I stood in line, and as soon as I got to the front of the line, they said, "I'm sorry, we're closed." I said,
"WTF?! I've been waiting here 10 minutes!! You can't do that!!" But again, the 20-something with zits on her face repeated, "Sorry. We are closed." I said, "Wow, what a bunch of idiots. Okay, you don't WANT my money, that's fine, but you won't get your extra 15 minutes of overtime will ya? To go buy that new Ozzy CD! You know you want it! How dumb are YOU?!" and then I stormed out, because sometimes, I just want some goddamned ICE CREAM, ya know?! Buncha friggin' 20-something asshole idiots!! I swear to God and the moon that 20-something's are WORTHLESS. Just plain WORTHLESS.

I was not very impressed with this place, needless to say---but all in all, it was a nice little fun getaway, even if for only one hour of the day. Pete reminded me of the fun game we played in the pool at camp...the "Nipple pull race." Yep, that was quite...fun...indeed...hehehehehe

Anyway, so it's back to wedding work tomorrow, bright and early. The lady in charge of renting the pavilion finally told me that they will have all new chairs, but the same tables (they had hoped to get their grant and buy new tables too), so now I know that I'm all set with the table coverings. WHEW. I don't have to get bigger ones, so that's cool.

Pete and I are investigating the possibility of changing our rehearsal dinner location, but I really don't want to announce any details at this point until we call and find out some logistical things on Monday first. I have been running around this place like a chicken with my head cut off, trying to get this house and it's yard all beautified for this party, and he asked if it would take off some of the pressure from me if we changed locations...HOLY CRAP!! YESSSSSSSS!! I won't have to worry if somebody's sniffing my underwear drawer upstairs, or if we've run out of toilet paper, or if somebody breaks something, or some kind of inane drama breaks out....holy CRAP that made my whole day!! So, I really do hope we can do the location change.

Anyway, so that's the scoop for now. All in all, I think Pete and I both deserved a fun day away from all this wedding insanity. (Who's bright idea WAS all this wedding craftery, and clusterf@#$*kery, anyway?!) AARRGGHHHH!!!

Love, Becky

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