Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Illness is no fun

Sorry folks, I know it's been awhile since I've updated this blog, but I've been sick. I don't know where it came from, but when it hit me, it was like a ton of bricks knocking me on my keester. Apparently I've been dealing with some kind of viral infection, but the doctors don't seem to know what to call it. So, I've nick-named it "the nasty wicked crud in the gut."

I had a bad case of sweats all over my face and chest, along with freezing cold chills running up and down my arms at the same time...plus stomach nausea, and constipation. I was taking Pepto Bismol and Tums like they were candy, couldn't eat anything, my tastebuds were out of whack so nothing tasted good either, or smelled good. Pete joked and said, "If I didn't know any better, I would say you're having symptoms of someone who is pregnant."

Now, of course, Pete had a vasectomy many years ago, he's got kids in their 20's, so this was NOT an option that I would care to consider. I feel I'm too old to be having kids, and I would rather just skip that whole mess. The world is just too messed up, and so is my health, so it wouldn't be a fun ride. But, for the first time in my whole life, I bought a pregnancy test, just to make sure. It was negative, haleluyah for that.

After about a solid week of this virus, I finally started to feel better. I was astonished to learn that I had lost 15 pounds during all this, but hey, I'll take it. I just didn't feel like eating anything, or if I did, it was broth or soup or something light, and less than half my usual portion size. I really just didn't have any kind of appetite at all, which is unusual for me.

On top of having this nasty virus, laying in bed all week long, and feeling miserable, THEN my period decides to start too. Yippy. Couldn't have happened BEFORE I bought a preganancy test, could it?! Noooo, of course not. I had to be all worked up and nervous about the results first, THEN it decides to show up. I'll be damned glad when I finally get rid of that annoyance when menopause hits.

But I am happy to report that I am now feeling much better, and I can taste food again, and the smell of food doesn't make me sick like before. In fact, I've gained 5 pounds back. That's plenty, I don't need the rest of it...hell, I really don't need that 5 pounds either, but oh well. I want to lose weight to start the new year out looking good....and get into a bikini next summer. I want to rid myself of this Type 2 Diabetes and the high blood pressure too. So, I'm going to eat less and watch the portion sizes, and just take it easy on the stomach from now on.

Only problem is, I'm still having digestive issues and some constipation, so I don't know if the virus is completely gone or if it's still lurking. I have to go see a foot doctor today also, to look at the x-rays I had done last week. For about 3 months I've had this awful pain in my right foot, like the right side feels as though it's a "flat tire" or something, and there's pain going on. I even got some of those Sketcher shoes that are supposed to help you strengthen muscles and stuff when you walk around, but they haven't helped keep the pain from shooting up my leg.

It just never ends, these health issues, and frankly I'm getting fed up with it.

Oh, and then I had my 2nd mammogram last week too, and I told the woman that since I already had the lump in the breast and the biopsy and all that crap once after my FIRST mammogram, this time if they find anything, just lop both of the damned things OFF and be done with it. I told her I've had to carry these heavy damned boobs around long enough and it would help me lose weight if they just ripped 'em both off me once and for all. I just don't feel like playing around with that mess again. No thanks. Luckily though, this time the mammogram was normal.

So, other than all that garbage going on, we are now happily taking Florence to the nearby Juniper Village assisted living care center to have physical therapy and exercise and to socialize with people her own age. She participates in some of their activities, and even took a look at some of the rooms they offer. She's thinking about moving in there, actually, but we don't feel she needs to yet. If and when her Alzheimers gets worse, (step 3 brings violence), then we might just have her go there, but it's a really nice place that she loves and we took Pete there on Saturday to take a look around also, she wanted his input about it.

So, we are looking at it as "it's a good "Plan B" to have available if and when we need it. For instance, since they charge on a monthly basis, and since they are fully furnished rooms, she could go there for a month or two if we decide to move to a different house in the spring. That way she would avoid having to pack and unpack boxes and stuff, and avoid the mess of getting settled in. So, we're thinking that would work and keep her calm during such a time. If Pete and I want to go away for a month's vacation, we can put her in there for the month and she'd be happy as a lark. So, it's a good thing to have when we need it.

Well, that's the news for now. My mom is back in Michigan, living in that awful basement again, missing the nice room she had here, with two windows, A/C and wireless high speed internet....she now had to go back to dial-up. LOL....it sucks that she has to go through this period of time stuck there, but that will just ensure that she returns to live with us sooner, rather than later. So it's really a blessing in disguise. But even Florence felt it was sad to see her go back there, and she misses her terribly every day. She's written her a letter and we'll be sending my mom her birthday present this week also, and I told Florence we'll spend our time waiting for her to return by fixing up her bedroom and planning a welcome back party. That made her feel better.

Well, that's all for now. Pete is waiting to see if he's been cast as one of the players in "Rocky Horror Show," for Halloween, at the local theater. If he is chosen to participate, he'll be going to work all day, and rehearsing all evening for the next 4-6 weeks. Meanwhile, I am trying to get this house of ours reorganized, and I'm planning a yard sale the weekend after Labor Day, to get rid of excess stuff and wedding junk that I no longer need.

I have several things about that wedding that I would like to "re-do," but oh well, too late now. It just didn't turn out as well as I had hoped and planned, and worked so hard to make perfect. It was supposed to be one of those fairy tale days of happiness and no worries, but it didn't turn out that way at all. I was miffed, annoyed, angry, and peeved most of the day.

Oh well, people who ask us "how is married life treating ya," we just answer jokingly, "That? Oh, we had that farce ANNULLED a couple weeks afterwards. We decided just to be friends with benefits from now on instead. But hey it was one hell of a party, though, wasn't it?!'

hehehehehe Gotta keep people on their toes.

Married life isn't any different than life before marriage, all you have now is a piece of paper signed that says you're stuck with each other. I'm just determined not to feel "stuck."

Bye for now.

Love, Becky

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