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Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Friday, August 20, 2010

I've been sick

Hello everyone,

Sorry I haven't been on the blog in awhile, I've been rather sick lately. I'm guessing that it is the flu, but I really don't know. I just woke up with it on Wednesday and I've had it ever since. I've spent most of the past couple days sleeping. It's been strange, I get super hot and clammy sweaty all over my face, but chill bumps up and down my arms at the same time. My stomach has been feeling nauseous, food didn't smell or look good at all, and I'm also constipated. So yeah, it's been fun this week.

Pete got me some Acidophilus, which apparently helps with gastric bypass issues, and he gave me some colon cleanse stuff too. So far, no results, but my stomach doesn't feel nauseous anymore. In fact I woke up feeling hungry today. The past two days, I haven't eaten much of anything. So, whatever this "flu" illness is, I'm hoping it's run its course and will now disappear.

Anyway, we're just trying to get back to normal after a long month of traveling and being busy with a bunch of things. I can finally take a deep breath and relax. We got my mom back to Michigan safe and sound, and within 3 days she was already in the mood to come back with us. So, we're estimating that she'll be moving back with us in October or November. I managed to get the brakes on her car fixed--Florence and I split the cost--so that now she can go all over Muskegon without too much worry. That poor car is 15 years old and needs to be put out to pasture. It needs a lot more work, but why put a few thousand dollars into it, when you can just get another one inexpensively at a used car lot? Well, she won't be needing a car here with us, she can use Florence's car.

So, the trip to Muskegon went well for the most part, but I get so damned depressed when I'm there, everyone seems to be living on the edge, like they are on the Titanic, and I'm sitting in a life boat far enough away from the danger...feeling guilty as hell. But there's not much I can do, really, and it makes me feel upset and sad because these are the people I love the most. Laurie is having a very tough time, her kids are flailing about without any guidance, and my sister's situation isn't getting much better with Steve's job ending soon. So, I can only endure a few days there, without crying my eyeballs out for everyone. Life is very hard in Michigan.

I did get to spend an afternoon with Noah, Joshua, Mason and Ember at the beach though, we had fun swimming in Lake Michigan. That was the most fun I've had with those kids in a long while, so I enjoyed it immensely. Even Florence got into the mood to put her toes in the water, and she loved it! We got it on video too, she was having a blast!

So that's what we've been up to lately. Gotta go, lots to do (as long as I feel up to doing it).

Love, Becky

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