Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Monday, January 17, 2011



Go check out my brand new, re-created web site!! It's just been finished today!! I'm so happy!!
It beats the heck out of the original one I created on my own, www.Tolerance4Kids.com.

I'm excited about it because it's just the tip of the iceberg...there will be MORE news soon!!

Well, in other news, Florence is doing much better lately, but she is still hearing voices. She swears there are kids playing outside of her door, even when I ask her specifically who lives here with her, and she can't figure out why she keeps hearing these kids all the time. We do have neighborhood kids who play sometimes in evenings and weekends, but they go to school in the daytime, so that can't be the issue. Nathan's bedroom is below hers, and he sometimes has his t.v. or computer turned on rather loud, so that COULD be some of it, though I doubt it, because Florence doesn't wear her hearing aids very often, so that would be a long shot.

So, for now, things are settling down a bit, hopefully the changes in her medications will kick in soon, (usually takes 3-4 weeks), and once that happens, everything should be back to "normal." Or, at least, as "normal" as life can be with someone who has bipolar and Alzheimers.

Well, that's all for now. Take a look at my new web site, and enjoy!! It's going to be updated and added to with more content soon, but this is the basic overall brand new web site. Enjoy!!

Love, Becky

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