Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Even SASSY is a Steelers fan!!

Well, in only 2.5 hours, the Super Bowl will begin!! And in about, oh I'd say, 5.5 hours from now, there will be a buncha cracka's and CHEESE HEADS spread all over the field!! hehehehe

Sassy is lovin' the whole Steelers Super Bowl thing, too! Actually she's thinking, "Mom, you're abusing me again. Stop it." But, let's ignore that. She just looks very COOL in the hat!!

Enjoy the game everybody! We're off to Hooters to get our WINGS....mmmmm!!! And celery with blue cheese, and water chestnuts wrapped in bacon....mmmmm!! Football food ROCKS!!

Love, Rebecca & Pete

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